



package impl

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CaseClassFieldSetter extends AnyRef


    Helper to set fields from a case class to other "container" types E.g.

    Helper to set fields from a case class to other "container" types E.g. cascading Tuple, jdbc PreparedStatement

  2. sealed trait NamingScheme extends AnyRef


    Naming scheme for cascading Tuple fields used by FieldsProviderImpl macro.

Value Members

  1. object CaseClassBasedSetterImpl


    Helper class for generating setters from case class to other types.

    Helper class for generating setters from case class to other types. E.g. cascading Tuple, jdbc PreparedStatement

  2. object FieldsProviderImpl


    This class contains the core macro implementations.

    This class contains the core macro implementations. This is in a separate module to allow it to be in a separate compilation unit, which makes it easier to provide helper methods interfacing with macros.

  3. object Indexed extends NamingScheme with Product with Serializable


    Uses zero-based indexes for field names.

  4. object NamedNoPrefix extends NamingScheme with Product with Serializable


    No prefixes for naming nested fields.

    No prefixes for naming nested fields. For e.g. for the following nested case class:

    case class Outer(id: Long, name: String, details: Inner)
    case class Inner(phone: Int)

    the nested field's name will remain "phone".

    Useful esp. for flattening nested case classes to SQL table columns.

  5. object NamedWithPrefix extends NamingScheme with Product with Serializable


    Uses prefixes for naming nested fields.

    Uses prefixes for naming nested fields. For e.g. for the following nested case class:

    case class Outer(id: Long, name: String, details: Inner)
    case class Inner(phone: Int)

    the nested field's name will be "".

  6. object TupleConverterImpl


    This class contains the core macro implementations.

    This class contains the core macro implementations. This is in a separate module to allow it to be in a separate compilation unit, which makes it easier to provide helper methods interfacing with macros.

  7. object TupleFieldSetter extends CaseClassFieldSetter


    Helper class for setting case class fields in cascading Tuple

  8. object TupleSetterImpl


    This class contains the core macro implementations.

    This class contains the core macro implementations. This is in a separate module to allow it to be in a separate compilation unit, which makes it easier to provide helper methods interfacing with macros.

  9. object TypeDescriptorProviderImpl


    This class contains the core macro implementations.

    This class contains the core macro implementations. This is in a separate module to allow it to be in a separate compilation unit, which makes it easier to provide helper methods interfacing with macros.
