

package algebra

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AlgebraicMutableCache[K, V] extends AnyRef

  2. class AlgebraicReadableStore[K, V] extends AnyRef

  3. class AlgebraicStore[K, V] extends AnyRef

  4. class BufferingStore[K, V] extends MergeableStore[K, V]

    A Mergeable that sits on top of another mergeable and pre-aggregates before pushing into merge/multiMerge This is very useful for cases where you have some keys that are very hot, or you have a remote store that you don't want to constantly hit.

  5. class ConvertedMergeableStore[K1, -K2, V1, V2] extends storehaus.ConvertedStore[K1, K2, V1, V2] with MergeableStore[K2, V2]

    Caveat Emptor! The monoid on the resulting ConvertedMergeableStore will be the bijected monoid from Monoid[V1] => Monoid[V2].

  6. class EnrichedMergeableStore[K, V] extends AnyRef

    Enrichment on the com.twitter.storehaus.algebra.MergeableStore trait.

  7. case class ExpiredException[K, V](pair: (K, V)) extends RuntimeException with Product with Serializable

    Injection that maps values paired with stale values of T => None on inversion.

  8. class MergeableMonoidStore[-K, V] extends MergeableStore[K, V]

  9. trait MergeableStore[-K, V] extends Store[K, V]

    Main trait to represent stores that are used for aggregation

  10. class ReadableStoreMonoid[K, V] extends ReadableStoreSemigroup[K, V] with Monoid[ReadableStore[K, V]]

    Same as a ReadableStoreSemigroup except with a zero that the constant store always returning Monoid.

  11. class ReadableStoreSemigroup[K, V] extends Semigroup[ReadableStore[K, V]]

    A semigroup that uses the future semigroup to add results of both gets

  12. class TTLInjection[K, T, V] extends Injection[(K, V), (K, (T, V))]

  13. class UnpivotedMergeableStore[-K, OuterK, InnerK, V] extends UnpivotedStore[K, OuterK, InnerK, V] with MergeableStore[K, V]

    MergeableStore enrichment which presents a MergeableStore[K, V] over top of a packed MergeableStore[OuterK, Map[InnerK, V]].

  14. class ConvertedStore[K1, -K2, V1, V2] extends ConvertedReadableStore[K1, K2, V1, V2] with Store[K2, V2]

    Use an injection on V2,V1 to convert a store of values V2.

Value Members

  1. object Algebras

    import Algebras.

  2. object MergeableStore

    Some factory methods and combinators on MergeableStore

  3. object MutableCacheAlgebra

    Enrichments and modifications to instances of MutableCache.

  4. object ReadableStoreAlgebra

    Enrichments on ReadableStore.

  5. object StoreAlgebra

    Algebraic Enrichments on Store.

  6. package query
