

package summingbird

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class AlsoProducer[P <: Platform[P], T, R](ensure: TailProducer[P, T], result: Producer[P, R]) extends Producer[P, R] with Product with Serializable

    This is a special node that ensures that the first argument is planned, but produces values equivalent to the result.

  2. class AlsoTailProducer[P <: Platform[P], T, R] extends AlsoProducer[P, T, R] with TailProducer[P, R]

  3. case class Counter(group: String, name: String)(implicit jobID: JobId) extends Product with Serializable

  4. case class Dependants[P <: Platform[P]](tail: Producer[P, Any]) extends DependantGraph[Producer[P, Any]] with Product with Serializable

    Producers are Directed Acyclic Graphs by the fact that they are immutable.

  5. trait ExecutionConfig[P <: Platform[P]] extends AnyRef

  6. case class FlatMappedProducer[P <: Platform[P], T, U](producer: Producer[P, T], fn: (T) ⇒ TraversableOnce[U]) extends Producer[P, U] with Product with Serializable

  7. case class IdentityKeyedProducer[P <: Platform[P], K, V](producer: Producer[P, (K, V)]) extends KeyedProducer[P, K, V] with Product with Serializable

  8. case class KeyFlatMappedProducer[P <: Platform[P], K, V, K2](producer: KeyedProducer[P, K, V], fn: (K) ⇒ TraversableOnce[K2]) extends KeyedProducer[P, K2, V] with Product with Serializable

  9. sealed trait KeyedProducer[P <: Platform[P], K, V] extends Producer[P, (K, V)]

    This has the methods on Key-Value streams.

  10. case class LeftJoinedProducer[P <: Platform[P], K, V, JoinedV](left: KeyedProducer[P, K, V], joined: P.Service[K, JoinedV]) extends KeyedProducer[P, K, (V, Option[JoinedV])] with Product with Serializable

  11. case class MergedProducer[P <: Platform[P], T](left: Producer[P, T], right: Producer[P, T]) extends Producer[P, T] with Product with Serializable

  12. trait MutableStringConfig extends AnyRef

  13. case class NamedProducer[P <: Platform[P], +T](producer: Producer[P, T], id: String) extends Producer[P, T] with Product with Serializable

  14. case class OptionMappedProducer[P <: Platform[P], T, U](producer: Producer[P, T], fn: (T) ⇒ Option[U]) extends Producer[P, U] with Product with Serializable

    Represents filters and maps which may be optimized differently Note that "option-mapping" is closed under composition and hence useful to call out

  15. class OptionalPlatform2[P1 <: Platform[P1], P2 <: Platform[P2]] extends Platform[OptionalPlatform2[P1, P2]]

    Platform capable of planning and executing at most 2 underlying platforms in parallel.

  16. case class OptionalUnzip2[P1 <: Platform[P1], P2 <: Platform[P2]]() extends Product with Serializable

  17. class Options extends AnyRef

  18. trait Platform[P <: Platform[P]] extends AnyRef

    Base trait for summingbird compilers.

  19. class Platform2[P1 <: Platform[P1], P2 <: Platform[P2]] extends Platform[Platform2[P1, P2]]

    Platform capable of planning and executing two underlying platforms in parallel.

  20. sealed trait Producer[P <: Platform[P], +T] extends AnyRef

    A Producer is a node in our tree, able to generate new items and have operations applied to it.

  21. trait ReadableMap extends AnyRef

  22. case class Source[P <: Platform[P], T](source: P.Source[T]) extends Producer[P, T] with Product with Serializable

    Wraps the sources of the given Platform

  23. case class Summer[P <: Platform[P], K, V](producer: KeyedProducer[P, K, V], store: P.Store[K, V], semigroup: Semigroup[V]) extends KeyedProducer[P, K, (Option[V], V)] with TailProducer[P, (K, (Option[V], V))] with Product with Serializable

  24. trait SummingbirdConfig extends AnyRef

  25. class TPNamedProducer[P <: Platform[P], +T] extends NamedProducer[P, T] with TailProducer[P, T]

  26. sealed trait TailProducer[P <: Platform[P], +T] extends Producer[P, T]

    Only TailProducers can be planned.

  27. trait TimeExtractor[T] extends Serializable

    This cannot be a subclass of function and use the pattern of implicit dependencies, since then you get an implicit function.

  28. case class Unzip2[P1 <: Platform[P1], P2 <: Platform[P2]]() extends Product with Serializable

    I tried to make Unzip2 an object with an apply method that took all three type parameters, but ran into issues:

  29. case class WrappingConfig(backingConfig: ReadableMap, updates: Map[String, AnyRef], removes: Set[String]) extends SummingbirdConfig with Product with Serializable

  30. case class WrittenProducer[P <: Platform[P], T, U >: T](producer: Producer[P, T], sink: P.Sink[U]) extends TailProducer[P, T] with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Options

    intra-graph options.

  2. object Producer

  3. object TimeExtractor extends Serializable

    TimeExtractor is really just a function, but we've used a specialized type for implicit resolution and serializability.

  4. object WrappingConfig extends Serializable

  5. package graph

    Collection of graph algorithms

  6. package memory

  7. package option

  8. package planner

  9. package viz
