

package cache

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class ConcurrentMapCache[K, V] extends FutureCache[K, V]

    A com.twitter.cache.FutureCache backed by a java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap

  2. abstract class FutureCache[K, V] extends AnyRef

    FutureCache is used to represent an in-memory, in-process, asynchronous cache.

  3. abstract class FutureCacheProxy[K, V] extends FutureCache[K, V]

    A proxy for FutureCaches, useful for wrap-but-modify.

Value Members

  1. object AsyncMemoize

  2. object EvictingCache

  3. object FutureCache

    The FutureCache object provides the public interface for constructing FutureCaches.

  4. object Refresh

    A single-value asynchronous cache with TTL.

  5. package guava
