

package concurrent

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AsyncMutex extends AsyncSemaphore

  2. class AsyncQueue[T] extends AnyRef

    An asynchronous FIFO queue.

  3. class AsyncSemaphore extends AnyRef

  4. class Broker[T] extends AnyRef

    An unbuffered FIFO queue, brokered by Offers.

  5. class ConcurrentBijection[A, B] extends Map[A, B]

  6. class ConcurrentMultiMap[K, V] extends AnyRef

  7. class ConcurrentPool[K, V] extends AnyRef

    The ConcurrentPool provides a concurrent object pool on top of the java.

  8. final class IVar[A] extends IVarField[A]

  9. class IVarField[A] extends AnyRef

  10. class NamedPoolThreadFactory extends ThreadFactory

    A ThreadFactory which creates non-daemon threads with a name indicating which pool they came from.

  11. trait Offer[+T] extends AnyRef

    An offer to communicate with another process.

  12. trait Permit extends AnyRef

  13. trait Scheduler extends AnyRef

  14. trait Serialized extends AnyRef

    Efficient ordered serialization of operations.

  15. sealed trait Spool[+A] extends AnyRef

    A spool is an asynchronous stream.

  16. class SpoolSource[A] extends AnyRef

    A SpoolSource is a simple object for creating and populating a Spool-chain.

  17. trait Tx[+T] extends AnyRef

    A Tx is used to mediate multi-party transactions with the following protocol:

Value Members

  1. object AsyncQueue

  2. object AsyncSemaphore

  3. object IVar

  4. object Offer

  5. object Scheduler extends Scheduler

    An efficient thread-local continuation scheduler.

  6. object Spool

  7. object Tx

  8. package ivar
