


package javadsl

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait ActorContext[T] extends typed.ActorContext[T]


    An Actor is given by the combination of a Behavior and a context in which this behavior is executed.

    An Actor is given by the combination of a Behavior and a context in which this behavior is executed. As per the Actor Model an Actor can perform the following actions when processing a message:

    • send a finite number of messages to other Actors it knows
    • create a finite number of Actors
    • designate the behavior for the next message

    In Akka the first capability is accessed by using the tell method on an ActorRef, the second is provided by ActorContext#spawn and the third is implicit in the signature of Behavior in that the next behavior is always returned from the message processing logic.

    An ActorContext in addition provides access to the Actor’s own identity (“getSelf”), the ActorSystem it is part of, methods for querying the list of child Actors it created, access to Terminated and timed message scheduling.

    Not for user extension.

    @DoNotInherit() @ApiMayChange()
  2. class BehaviorBuilder[T] extends AnyRef


    Used for creating a Behavior by 'chaining' message and signal handlers.

    Used for creating a Behavior by 'chaining' message and signal handlers.

    When handling a message or signal, this Behavior will consider all handlers in the order they were added, looking for the first handler for which both the type and the (optional) predicate match.


    the common superclass of all supported messages.

  3. abstract class MutableBehavior[T] extends ExtensibleBehavior[T]


    Mutable behavior can be implemented by extending this class and implement the abstract method MutableBehavior#onMessage and optionally override MutableBehavior#onSignal.

    Mutable behavior can be implemented by extending this class and implement the abstract method MutableBehavior#onMessage and optionally override MutableBehavior#onSignal.

    Instances of this behavior should be created via Behaviors#setup and if the ActorContext is needed it can be passed as a constructor parameter from the factory function.

    See also


  4. class ReceiveBuilder[T] extends AnyRef


    Used when implementing MutableBehavior.

    Used when implementing MutableBehavior.

    When handling a message or signal, this Behavior will consider all handlers in the order they were added, looking for the first handler for which both the type and the (optional) predicate match.


    the common superclass of all supported messages.

  5. abstract class StashBuffer[T] extends AnyRef


    A non thread safe mutable message buffer that can be used to buffer messages inside actors and then unstash them.

    A non thread safe mutable message buffer that can be used to buffer messages inside actors and then unstash them.

    The buffer can hold at most the given capacity number of messages.

    Not for user extension.

  6. final class StashOverflowException extends scaladsl.StashOverflowException


    Is thrown when the size of the stash exceeds the capacity of the stash buffer.

  7. trait TimerScheduler[T] extends AnyRef


    Support for scheduled self messages in an actor.

    Support for scheduled self messages in an actor. It is used with Behaviors.withTimers, which also takes care of the lifecycle of the timers such as cancelling them when the actor is restarted or stopped.

    TimerScheduler is not thread-safe, i.e. it must only be used within the actor that owns it.

Value Members

  1. object Adapter


    Java API: Adapters between typed and untyped actors and actor systems.

    Java API: Adapters between typed and untyped actors and actor systems. The underlying ActorSystem is the untyped which runs Akka Typed on an emulation layer. In this system typed and untyped actors can coexist.

    These methods make it possible to create typed child actor from untyped parent actor, and the opposite untyped child from typed parent. watch is also supported in both directions.

    There are also converters (toTyped, toUntyped) between untyped and typed, and between untyped and typed

  2. object AskPattern


    The ask-pattern implements the initiator side of a request–reply protocol.

    The ask-pattern implements the initiator side of a request–reply protocol.

    Note that if you are inside of an actor you should prefer ActorContext.ask as that provides better safety.

    The party that asks may be within or without an Actor, since the implementation will fabricate a (hidden) ActorRef that is bound to a CompletableFuture. This ActorRef will need to be injected in the message that is sent to the target Actor in order to function as a reply-to address, therefore the argument to the ask method is not the message itself but a function that given the reply-to address will create the message.

  3. object BehaviorBuilder

  4. object Behaviors


    Factories for

  5. object ReceiveBuilder

  6. object StashBuffer

