


Related Docs: class ActorSystem | package actor


object ActorSystem

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. ActorSystem
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Settings extends AnyRef


    Settings are the overall ActorSystem Settings which also provides a convenient access to the Config object.

    Settings are the overall ActorSystem Settings which also provides a convenient access to the Config object.

    For more detailed information about the different possible configuration options, look in the Akka Documentation under "Configuration"

    See also

    The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. val EnvHome: Option[String]

  5. val GlobalHome: Option[String]

  6. val SystemHome: Option[String]

  7. val Version: String

  8. def apply(name: String, config: Option[Config] = None, classLoader: Option[ClassLoader] = None, defaultExecutionContext: Option[ExecutionContext] = None): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified ClassLoader if given, otherwise obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified ClassLoader if given, otherwise obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class. If an ExecutionContext is given, it will be used as the default executor inside this ActorSystem. If no ExecutionContext is given, the system will fallback to the executor configured under "akka.actor.default-dispatcher.default-executor.fallback". The system will use the passed in config, or falls back to the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.

    See also

    The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

  9. def apply(name: String, config: Config, classLoader: ClassLoader): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, and specified ClassLoader

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, and specified ClassLoader

    See also

    The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

  10. def apply(name: String, config: Config): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, and the specified Config, then obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, and the specified Config, then obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    See also

    The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

  11. def apply(name: String, bootstrapSetup: BootstrapSetup): ActorSystem


    Scala API: Shortcut for creating an actor system with custom bootstrap settings.

    Scala API: Shortcut for creating an actor system with custom bootstrap settings. Same behavior as calling ActorSystem(name, ActorSystemSetup(bootstrapSetup))

  12. def apply(name: String, setup: ActorSystemSetup): ActorSystem


    Scala API: Creates a new actor system with the specified name and settings The core actor system settings are defined in BootstrapSetup

  13. def apply(name: String): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class. Then it loads the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.

  14. def apply(): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the name "default", obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the name "default", obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class. Then it loads the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.

  15. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  16. def clone(): AnyRef

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  17. def create(name: String, config: Config, classLoader: ClassLoader, defaultExecutionContext: ExecutionContext): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, the specified ClassLoader, and the specified ExecutionContext.

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, the specified ClassLoader, and the specified ExecutionContext. The ExecutionContext will be used as the default executor inside this ActorSystem. If null is passed in for the Config, ClassLoader and/or ExecutionContext parameters, the respective default value will be used. If no Config is given, the default reference config will be obtained from the ClassLoader. If no ClassLoader is given, it obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class. If no ExecutionContext is given, the system will fallback to the executor configured under "akka.actor.default-dispatcher.default-executor.fallback". Note that the given ExecutionContext will be used by all dispatchers that have been configured with executor = "default-executor", including those that have not defined the executor setting and thereby fallback to the default of "default-dispatcher.executor".

    See also

    The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

  18. def create(name: String, config: Config, classLoader: ClassLoader): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, and specified ClassLoader

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, the specified Config, and specified ClassLoader

    See also

    The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

  19. def create(name: String, config: Config): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, and the specified Config, then obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, and the specified Config, then obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    See also

    The Typesafe Config Library API Documentation

  20. def create(name: String, bootstrapSetup: BootstrapSetup): ActorSystem


    Java API: Shortcut for creating an actor system with custom bootstrap settings.

    Java API: Shortcut for creating an actor system with custom bootstrap settings. Same behavior as calling ActorSystem.create(name, ActorSystemSetup.create(bootstrapSettings))

  21. def create(name: String, setups: ActorSystemSetup): ActorSystem


    Java API: Creates a new actor system with the specified name and settings The core actor system settings are defined in BootstrapSetup

  22. def create(name: String): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the specified name, obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class. Then it loads the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.

  23. def create(): ActorSystem


    Creates a new ActorSystem with the name "default", obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class.

    Creates a new ActorSystem with the name "default", obtains the current ClassLoader by first inspecting the current threads' getContextClassLoader, then tries to walk the stack to find the callers class loader, then falls back to the ClassLoader associated with the ActorSystem class. Then it loads the default reference configuration using the ClassLoader.

  24. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  25. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  26. def finalize(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  27. final def getClass(): Class[_]

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  28. def hashCode(): Int

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  29. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  30. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  31. final def notify(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  32. final def notifyAll(): Unit

    Definition Classes
  33. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0

    Definition Classes
  34. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  35. final def wait(): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  36. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  37. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit

    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
