
final case class Delete[A <: ReplicatedData](key: Key[A], consistency: WriteConsistency, request: Option[Any]) extends Command[A] with NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

Send this message to the local Replicator to delete a data value for the given key. The Replicator will reply with one of the DeleteResponse messages.

The optional request context is included in the reply messages. This is a convenient way to pass contextual information (e.g. original sender) without having to use ask or maintain local correlation data structures.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Command[A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members


def this(key: Key[A], consistency: WriteConsistency)
def this(key: Key[A], consistency: WriteConsistency, request: Optional[Any])

Inherited methods

Inherited from: