



package iteratees

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait CharString extends AnyRef


    An efficient string of characters

    An efficient string of characters

    Not strictly immutable since it gives access to the underlying char array and doesn't copy char arrays when it receives them, but none of the operations it provides are mutating.

    All of the operations provided here are provided just because they were needed by the Json parser, and for no other reason.

Value Members

  1. object CharString

  2. object Combinators


    Combinators for parsing using iteratees.

    Combinators for parsing using iteratees.

    Note that all the combinators that take callbacks execute them in the same thread that invokes the iteratee. This means it is important that none of the callbacks ever block.

  3. object Csv


    CSV iteratee.

    CSV iteratee. Since it only works on one char at a time, it's not really useful. But it's great for learning or teaching iteratees.

  4. object Encoding


    Enumeratees for dealing with character encoding

  5. object JsonBodyParser


    Body parser for reactively parsing JSON.

    Body parser for reactively parsing JSON. Used with no arguments, it just parses a JsValue into memory. However, you can do more powerful things, for example, let's say you have a bulk load function that takes a possibly very long JSON input containing the bulk data to load, including some meta data, like the following:

      "exportId": 12345,
      "exportDate": "17/10/2012",
      "exportUser": "bob"
      "items": [
        { "id": 1, ... },

    You could parse this, without loading all the items in memory, but rather saving them to a database as they arrive, like this:

    import JsonBodyParser._
    import JsonIteratees._
    import JsonEnumeratees._
    // case class that we will fold the result of the parsing into
    case class Errors(id: Int = 0, errors: List[String] = Nil)
    // Map function that ignores the input, and returns an identity function to leave errors alone
    def ignore[A]: A => Errors => Errors = (_) => identity[Errors]
    // The parser
    val bodyParser = parser(
      // A JSON object enumerator, expecting keys, using the specified parsers for the values of each.
      // Each value gets mapped to a function, that will be used later to fold them into our Errors result.
        // Handle the exportId as a number, and map it to a function that stores the id in Errors
        "exportId" -> => (e: Errors) => Errors(id.value.toInt, e.errors)),
        "exportDate" -> jsNullOr(jsString).map(ignore),
        "exportUser" -> jsNullOr(jsString).map(ignore),
        // Handle the items as an array, parsing the values as objects, then using enumeratee composition,
        // parse the item, import the item, and finally collect the errors and map them to the function
        // for folding into the Errors result
        "items" -> (jsArray(jsValues(jsSimpleObject)) ><> parseItem ><> importItem
          &>> Iteratee.getChunks[String].map(errorList => (e: Errors) => Errors(, errorList)))
      // Fold the error functions into an Errors result
      ) &>> Iteratee.fold[Errors => Errors, Errors](Errors())((e, f) => f(e))
    // The items we want to import
    case class Item(id: Int, name: String, description: String)
    // Enumeratee that parses a JsObject into an item.  Uses a simple mapping Enumeratee.
    def parseItem: Enumeratee[JsObject, Option[Item]] = {obj =>
      for {
        id <- (obj \ "id").asOpt[Int]
        name <- (obj \ "name").asOpt[String]
        description <- (obj \ "description").asOpt[String]
      } yield Item(id, name, description)
    // Enumeratee that imports items.  Uses an input mapping enumeratee, and only passes a result
    // along if there is an error
    def importItem: Enumeratee[Option[Item], String] = Enumeratee.mapInput(_ match {
      case Input.El(Some(item)) =>
      case Input.El(None) => Input.El("An error")
      case other => => "")
    // Our action that uses the body parser
    def bulkImport = Action(bodyParser) {
      request =>
        Ok("Imported export id " + +
          " with the following errors:\n" + request.body.errors.mkString("\n"))
  6. object JsonEnumeratees

  7. object JsonIteratees

  8. object JsonParser

