

package geojson

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed trait Crs extends AnyRef

    A GeoJSON coordinate reference system (CRS).

  2. trait CrsFormat[C] extends AnyRef

    A CRS format

  3. case class Feature[C](geometry: Geometry[C], properties: Option[JsObject] = scala.None, id: Option[JsValue] = scala.None, bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends GeoJson[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON Feature object.

  4. case class FeatureCollection[C](features: Seq[Feature[C]], bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends GeoJson[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON FeatureCollection object.

  5. sealed trait GeoJson[C] extends AnyRef

    A GeoJSON object.

  6. sealed trait Geometry[C] extends GeoJson[C]

    A GeoJSON Geometry object.

  7. case class GeometryCollection[C](geometries: Seq[Geometry[C]], bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends Geometry[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON GeometryCollection object.

  8. case class LatLng(lat: Double, lng: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    A latitude longitude CRS, for use with WGS84 ( == EPSG:4326).

  9. case class LineString[C](coordinates: Seq[C], bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends Geometry[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON LineString object.

  10. case class LinkedCrs(href: String, type: Option[String]) extends Crs with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON linked CRS.

  11. case class LngLat(lng: Double, lat: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    LngLat is like LatLng except the ordering or latitude and longitude.

  12. case class MultiLineString[C](coordinates: Seq[Seq[C]], bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends Geometry[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON MultiLineString object.

  13. case class MultiPoint[C](coordinates: Seq[C], bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends Geometry[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON MultiPoint object.

  14. case class MultiPolygon[C](coordinates: Seq[Seq[Seq[C]]], bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends Geometry[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON MultiPolygon object.

  15. case class NamedCrs(name: String) extends Crs with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON named CRS.

  16. case class Point[C](coordinates: C, bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends Geometry[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON Point object.

  17. case class Polygon[C](coordinates: Seq[Seq[C]], bbox: Option[(C, C)] = scala.None) extends Geometry[C] with Product with Serializable

    A GeoJSON Polygon object.

  18. case class SphericalMercator(x: Double, y: Double) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Crs

  2. object Feature extends Serializable

  3. object FeatureCollection extends Serializable

  4. object GeoJson

  5. object Geometry

  6. object GeometryCollection extends Serializable

  7. object LatLng extends Serializable

  8. object LineString extends Serializable

  9. object LinkedCrs extends Serializable

  10. object LngLat extends Serializable

  11. object LngLatCrs extends CrsFormat[LngLat]

  12. object MultiLineString extends Serializable

  13. object MultiPoint extends Serializable

  14. object MultiPolygon extends Serializable

  15. object NamedCrs extends Serializable

  16. object Point extends Serializable

  17. object Polygon extends Serializable

  18. object SphericalMercator extends Serializable

    Code is partially translated from the OpenLayers.

  19. object SphericalMercatorCrs extends CrsFormat[SphericalMercator]

  20. object Wgs84Format extends CrsFormat[LatLng]

    The WGS84 CRS format.
