

package docs

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AggregateFileRepository extends FileRepository

    A file repository that aggregates multiple file repositories

  2. class BuildDocHandlerFactory extends AnyRef

  3. case class DocumentationApplication(projectPath: File, buildDocHandler: BuildDocHandler) extends ApplicationProvider with Product with Serializable

    Provides a very simple application that renders Play documentation.

  4. class DocumentationHandler extends BuildDocHandler

    Used by the DocumentationApplication class to handle requests for Play documentation.

    Used by the DocumentationApplication class to handle requests for Play documentation. Documentation is located in the given repository - either a JAR file or directly from the filesystem.

  5. class DocumentationServer extends NettyServer

    A simple Play server that serves documentation.

    A simple Play server that serves documentation. Used by the Play documentation project. This class is not used by the Play SBT plugin because the plugin needs to create a server that embeds both the user application and the Play documentation application.

  6. class Memoise[-T, +R] extends (T) ⇒ R

    Memoise a function.
