

package mvc

Contains the Controller/Action/Result API to handle HTTP requests.

For example, a typical controller:

object Application extends Controller {

def index = Action {
  Ok("It works!")

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
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  1. mvc
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. trait AcceptExtractors extends AnyRef

    Define a set of extractors allowing to pattern match on the Accept HTTP header of a request

  2. case class Accepting(mimeType: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Convenient class to generate extractors checking if a given mime type matches the Accept header of a request.

  3. trait Action[A] extends EssentialAction

    An action is essentially a (Request[A] => Result) function that handles a request and generates a result to be sent to the client.

  4. trait ActionBuilder[+R[_]] extends ActionFunction[Request, R]

    Provides helpers for creating Action values.

  5. trait ActionFilter[R[_]] extends ActionRefiner[R, R]

    A simple kind of ActionRefiner which, given a request (of type R), may either immediately produce a Result (for example, an error), or continue its Action block with the same request.

  6. trait ActionFunction[-R[_], +P[_]] extends AnyRef

    A builder for generic Actions that generalizes over the type of requests.

  7. trait ActionRefiner[-R[_], +P[_]] extends ActionFunction[R, P]

    A simple kind of ActionFunction which, given a request (of type R), may either immediately produce a Result (for example, an error), or call its Action block with a parameter (of type P).

  8. trait ActionTransformer[-R[_], +P[_]] extends ActionRefiner[R, P]

    A simple kind of ActionRefiner which, given a request (of type R), unconditionally transforms it to a new parameter type (P) to be passed to its Action block.

  9. sealed trait AnyContent extends AnyRef

    A request body that adapts automatically according the request Content-Type.

  10. case class AnyContentAsFormUrlEncoded(data: Map[String, Seq[String]]) extends AnyContent with Product with Serializable

    AnyContent - Form url encoded body

  11. case class AnyContentAsJson(json: JsValue) extends AnyContent with Product with Serializable

    AnyContent - Json body

  12. case class AnyContentAsMultipartFormData(mdf: MultipartFormData[TemporaryFile]) extends AnyContent with Product with Serializable

    AnyContent - Multipart form data body

  13. case class AnyContentAsRaw(raw: RawBuffer) extends AnyContent with Product with Serializable

    AnyContent - Raw body (give access to the raw data as bytes).

  14. case class AnyContentAsText(txt: String) extends AnyContent with Product with Serializable

    AnyContent - Text body

  15. case class AnyContentAsXml(xml: NodeSeq) extends AnyContent with Product with Serializable

    AnyContent - XML body

  16. trait BodyParser[+A] extends (RequestHeader) ⇒ Iteratee[Array[Byte], Either[Result, A]]

    A body parser parses the HTTP request body content.

  17. trait BodyParsers extends AnyRef

    Default body parsers.

  18. case class Call(method: String, url: String, fragment: String = null) extends mvc.Call with Product with Serializable

    Defines a Call, which describes an HTTP request and can be used to create links or fill redirect data.

  19. case class Codec(charset: String)(encode: (String) ⇒ Array[Byte], decode: (Array[Byte]) ⇒ String) extends Product with Serializable

    A Codec handle the conversion of String to Byte arrays.

  20. trait Controller extends Results with BodyParsers with HttpProtocol with Status with HeaderNames with ContentTypes with RequestExtractors with Rendering

    Defines utility methods to generate Action and Results types.

  21. case class Cookie(name: String, value: String, maxAge: Option[Int] = scala.None, path: String = "/", domain: Option[String] = scala.None, secure: Boolean = false, httpOnly: Boolean = true) extends Product with Serializable

    An HTTP cookie.

  22. trait CookieBaker[T <: AnyRef] extends AnyRef

    Trait that should be extended by the Cookie helpers.

  23. trait Cookies extends Traversable[Cookie]

    The HTTP cookies set.

  24. case class DiscardingCookie(name: String, path: String = "/", domain: Option[String] = scala.None, secure: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable

    A cookie to be discarded.

  25. trait EssentialAction extends (RequestHeader) ⇒ Iteratee[Array[Byte], Result] with Handler

    An EssentialAction underlies every Action.

  26. trait EssentialFilter extends AnyRef

  27. trait Filter extends EssentialFilter

    Implement this interface if you want to add a Filter to your application

  28. case class Flash(data: Map[String, String] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    HTTP Flash scope.

  29. trait Handler extends AnyRef

    An Handler handles a request.

  30. class Headers extends AnyRef

    The HTTP headers set.

  31. trait JavascriptLiteral[A] extends AnyRef

    Transform a value to a Javascript literal.

  32. trait LegacyI18nSupport extends AnyRef

  33. case class MaxSizeExceeded(length: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Signal a max content size exceeded

  34. case class MultipartFormData[A](dataParts: Map[String, Seq[String]], files: Seq[FilePart[A]], badParts: Seq[BadPart], missingFileParts: Seq[MissingFilePart]) extends Product with Serializable

    Multipart form data body.

  35. trait PathBindable[A] extends AnyRef

    Binder for URL path parameters.

  36. trait QueryStringBindable[A] extends AnyRef

    Binder for query string parameters.

  37. case class RawBuffer(memoryThreshold: Int, initialData: Array[Byte] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    Handle the request body a raw bytes data.

  38. trait Rendering extends AnyRef

  39. trait Request[+A] extends RequestHeader

    The complete HTTP request.

  40. trait RequestExtractors extends AcceptExtractors

  41. trait RequestHeader extends AnyRef

    The HTTP request header.

  42. trait RequestTaggingHandler extends Handler

    A handler that is able to tag requests.

  43. final class ResponseHeader extends AnyRef

    A simple HTTP response header, used for standard responses.

  44. case class Result(header: ResponseHeader, body: Enumerator[Array[Byte]], connection: Connection = HttpConnection.KeepAlive) extends Product with Serializable

    A simple result, which defines the response header and a body ready to send to the client.

  45. trait Results extends AnyRef

    Helper utilities to generate results.

  46. case class Session(data: Map[String, String] = ...) extends Product with Serializable

    HTTP Session.

  47. case class WebSocket[In, Out](f: (RequestHeader) ⇒ Future[Either[Result, (Enumerator[In], Iteratee[Out, Unit]) ⇒ Unit]])(implicit inFormatter: FrameFormatter[In], outFormatter: FrameFormatter[Out]) extends Handler with Product with Serializable

    A WebSocket handler.

  48. class WithFilters extends GlobalSettings

  49. class WrappedRequest[+A] extends Request[A]

    Wrap an existing request.

Value Members

  1. object Action extends ActionBuilder[Request]

    Helper object to create Action values.

  2. object AnyContentAsEmpty extends AnyContent with Product with Serializable

    AnyContent - Empty request body

  3. object BodyParser

    Helper object to construct BodyParser values.

  4. object BodyParsers extends BodyParsers

    Defaults BodyParsers.

  5. object Codec extends Serializable

    Default Codec support.

  6. object Cookies

    Helper utilities to encode Cookies.

  7. object EssentialAction

    Helper for creating EssentialActions.

  8. object Filter

  9. object FilterChain

    Compose the action and the Filters to create a new Action

  10. object Filters

    Compose the action and the Filters to create a new Action

  11. object Flash extends CookieBaker[Flash] with Serializable

    Helper utilities to manage the Flash cookie.

  12. object Headers

  13. object HttpConnection extends Enumeration

    The connection semantics for the result.

  14. object JavascriptLiteral

    Default JavaScript literals converters.

  15. object MultipartFormData extends Serializable

    Defines parts handled by Multipart form data.

  16. object PathBindable

    Default binders for URL path part.

  17. object QueryStringBindable

    Default binders for Query String

  18. object Request

  19. object RequestHeader

  20. object ResponseHeader

  21. object Results extends Results with LegacyI18nSupport

    Helper utilities to generate results.

  22. object Security

    Helpers to create secure actions.

  23. object Session extends CookieBaker[Session] with Serializable

    Helper utilities to manage the Session cookie.

  24. object Socket

    Alias types for Sockets

  25. object WebSocket extends Serializable

    Helper utilities to generate WebSocket results.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
