

package helper

Contains template helpers, for example for generating HTML forms.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. helper
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show all
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Type Members

  1. trait FieldConstructor extends NotNull

  2. case class FieldElements(id: String, field: Field, input: Html, args: Map[Symbol, Any], messages: Messages) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object FieldConstructor

  2. object Implicits

  3. object checkbox extends checkbox

    Generate an HTML input checkbox.

    Generate an HTML input checkbox.


    @checkbox(field = myForm("done"))
  4. object checkbox_Scope0

  5. val defaultField: (FieldElements) ⇒ play.twirl.api.HtmlFormat.Appendable

    Default input structure.

    Default input structure.

      <dt><label for="username"></dt>
      <dd><input type="text" name="username" id="username"></dd>
      <dd class="error">This field is required!</dd>
      <dd class="info">Required field.</dd>
  6. object defaultFieldConstructor extends defaultFieldConstructor

    Default field constructor.

    Default field constructor.

    It generates field as following:

    <dl class="error">
      <dt><label for="name">Your name:</label></dt>
      <dd><input type="text" id="name" name="name"></dd>
      <dd class="error">This field is required</dd>
      <dd class="info">Required</dd>
  7. object defaultFieldConstructor_Scope0

  8. object form extends form

    Generate an HTML form.

    Generate an HTML form.


    @form(action = routes.Users.submit, args = 'class -> "myForm") {
  9. object form_Scope0

  10. object input extends input

    Prepare a generic HTML input.

  11. object inputCheckboxGroup extends inputCheckboxGroup

    Generate an HTML checkbox group

    Generate an HTML checkbox group


              options = Seq("S" -> "Surfing", "R" -> "Running", "B" -> "Biking","P" -> "Paddling"),
              '_label -> "Hobbies",
              '_error -> contactForm("hobbies")"select one or more hobbies")))
  12. object inputCheckboxGroup_Scope0

  13. object inputDate extends inputDate

    Generate an HTML5 input date.

    Generate an HTML5 input date.


    @inputDate(field = myForm("releaseDate"), args = 'size -> 10)
  14. object inputDate_Scope0

  15. object inputFile extends inputFile

    Generate an HTML input file.

    Generate an HTML input file.


    @inputFile(field = myForm("name"), args = 'size -> 10)
  16. object inputFile_Scope0

  17. object inputPassword extends inputPassword

    Generate an HTML input password.

    Generate an HTML input password.


    @inputPassword(field = myForm("password"), args = 'size -> 10)
  18. object inputPassword_Scope0

  19. object inputRadioGroup extends inputRadioGroup

    Generate an HTML radio group

    Generate an HTML radio group


              options = Seq("M"->"Male","F"->"Female"),
              '_label -> "Gender",
              '_error -> contactForm("gender")"select gender")))
  20. object inputRadioGroup_Scope0

  21. object inputText extends inputText

    Generate an HTML input text.

    Generate an HTML input text.


    @inputText(field = myForm("name"), args = 'size -> 10, 'placeholder -> "Your name")
  22. object inputText_Scope0

  23. object input_Scope0

  24. object javascriptRouter extends javascriptRouter

    Generates a Javascript object that lets you refer to your application's routes in Javascript code

    Generates a Javascript object that lets you refer to your application's routes in Javascript code



    You can access your routes in JavaScript without hardcoded URL's, e.g. assuming jQuery's ajax function:

    $.ajax(jsRoutes.controllers.Users.list()).done( /* */ ).fail( /* */ )

    Each action in the generated object also has the following properties: * *type*: HTTP method * *url*: the url to be used

  25. object javascriptRouter_Scope0

  26. object jsloader extends jsloader

    Javascript CommonJS module loader

    Javascript CommonJS module loader

    Should only be used in development mode: in production, compiled Javascript should be used

  27. object jsloader_Scope0

  28. object options

  29. object repeat

  30. object requireJs extends requireJs

    RequireJS Javascript module loader.

    RequireJS Javascript module loader.


    @requireJs(core ="javascripts/require.js").url, module ="javascripts/main").url)
  31. object requireJs_Scope0

  32. object select extends select

    Generate an HTML select.

    Generate an HTML select.


    @select(field = myForm("isDone"), options = options(List("Yes","No")))
  33. object select_Scope0

  34. object textarea extends textarea

    Generate an HTML textarea.

    Generate an HTML textarea.


    @textarea(field = myForm("address"), args = 'rows -> 3, 'cols -> 50)
  35. object textarea_Scope0

  36. def urlEncode(string: String)(implicit codec: Codec): String


    The url-encoded value of string using the charset provided by codec

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
