

package compiler

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Comment(comment: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A comment from the routes file.

  2. case class DynamicPart(name: String, constraint: String, encode: Boolean) extends PathPart with Positional with Product with Serializable

    A dynamic part, which gets extracted into a parameter.

  3. case class HandlerCall(packageName: Option[String], controller: String, instantiate: Boolean, method: String, parameters: Option[Seq[Parameter]]) extends Positional with Product with Serializable

    A call to the handler.

  4. case class HttpVerb(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    An HTTP verb

  5. case class Include(prefix: String, router: String) extends Rule with Product with Serializable

    An include for another router

  6. case class Modifier(value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    A modifier tag in the routes file

  7. case class Parameter(name: String, typeName: String, fixed: Option[String], default: Option[String]) extends Positional with Product with Serializable

    A parameter for a controller method.

  8. trait PathPart extends AnyRef

    A part of the path

  9. case class PathPattern(parts: Seq[PathPart]) extends Product with Serializable

    A complete path pattern, consisting of a sequence of path parts.

  10. case class Route(verb: HttpVerb, path: PathPattern, call: HandlerCall, comments: Seq[Comment] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing], modifiers: Seq[Modifier] = collection.this.Seq.empty[Nothing]) extends Rule with Product with Serializable

    A route

  11. case class RoutesCompilationError(source: File, message: String, line: Option[Int], column: Option[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

    A routes compilation error

  12. trait RoutesGenerator extends AnyRef

  13. case class RoutesSourceInfo(source: String, date: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Information about the routes source file

  14. sealed trait Rule extends Positional

    A routing rule

  15. class ScalaContent extends BufferedContent[ScalaContent]

    Twirl scala content type

  16. case class StaticPart(value: String) extends PathPart with Product with Serializable

    A static part of the path, which is matched as is.

Value Members

  1. object InjectedRoutesGenerator extends RoutesGenerator

    A routes generator that generates dependency injected routers

  2. object Parameter extends Serializable

  3. object RoutesCompiler

    provides a compiler for routes

  4. object RoutesFileParser

  5. object ScalaFormat extends Format[ScalaContent]

    Twirl Scala format

  6. package inject

  7. package static
