



package parser

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class TwirlParser extends AnyRef


    TwirlParser is a recursive descent parser for a modified grammar of the Play2 template language as loosely defined here and more rigorously defined by the original template parser, play.templates.ScalaTemplateCompiler.TemplateParser.

    TwirlParser is a recursive descent parser for a modified grammar of the Play2 template language as loosely defined here and more rigorously defined by the original template parser, play.templates.ScalaTemplateCompiler.TemplateParser. TwirlParser is meant to be a near drop in replacement for play.templates.ScalaTemplateCompiler.TemplateParser.

    The original grammar, as reversed-engineered from play.templates.ScalaTemplateCompiler.TemplateParser, is defined as follows:

    parser : comment? whitespace? ('@' parentheses+)? templateContent
    templateContent : (importExpression | localDef | template | mixed)*
    templateDeclaration : '@' identifier squareBrackets? parentheses*
    localDef : templateDeclaration (' ' | '\t')* '=' (' ' | '\t') scalaBlock
    template : templateDeclaration (' ' | '\t')* '=' (' ' | '\t') '{' templateContent '}'
    mixed : (comment | scalaBlockDisplayed | caseExpression | matchExpression | forExpression | safeExpression | plain | expression) | ('{' mixed* '}')
    scalaBlockDisplayed : scalaBlock
    scalaBlockChained : scalaBlock
    scalaBlock : '@' brackets
    importExpression : '@' 'import ' .* '\r'? '\n'
    caseExpression : whitespace? 'case' .+ '=>' block whitespace?
    forExpression : '@' "for" parentheses block
    matchExpression : '@' (simpleExpr | complexExpr) whitespaceNoBreak 'match' block
    simpleExpr : methodCall expressionPart*
    complexExpr : parentheses
    safeExpression : '@' parentheses
    elseCall : whitespaceNoBreak "else" whitespaceNoBreak?
    chainedMethods : ('.' methodCall)+
    expressionPart : chainedMethods | block | (whitespaceNoBreak scalaBlockChained) | elseCall | parentheses
    expression : '@' methodCall expressionPart*
    methodCall : identifier squareBrackets? parentheses?
    blockArgs : [^'=>' '\n']* '=>'
    block : whitespaceNoBreak '{' blockArgs? mixed* '}'
    brackets : '{' (brackets | [^'}'])* '}'
    comment : '@*' [^'*@']* '*@'
    parentheses : '(' (parentheses | [^')'])* ')'
    squareBrackets : '[' (squareBrackets | [^']'])* ']'
    plain : ('@@' | ([^'@'] [^'{' '}']))+
    whitespaceNoBreak : [' ' '\t']+
    identifier : javaIdentStart javaIdentPart* // see java docs for what these two rules mean

    TwirlParser implements a slightly modified version of the above grammar that removes some back-tracking within the 'mixed' non-terminal. It is defined as follows:

    parser : comment? whitespace? ('@' parentheses+)? templateContent
    templateContent : (importExpression | localDef | template | mixed)*
    templateDeclaration : '@' identifier squareBrackets? parentheses*
    localDef : templateDeclaration (' ' | '\t')* '=' (' ' | '\t') scalaBlock
    template : templateDeclaration (' ' | '\t')* '=' (' ' | '\t') '{' templateContent '}'
    mixed : (comment | scalaBlockDisplayed | forExpression | matchExpOrSafeExpOrExpr | caseExpression | plain) | ('{' mixed* '}')
    matchExpOrSafeExpOrExpr : (expression | safeExpression) (whitespaceNoBreak 'match' block)?
    scalaBlockDisplayed : scalaBlock
    scalaBlockChained : scalaBlock
    scalaBlock : '@' brackets
    importExpression : '@' 'import ' .* '\r'? '\n'
    caseExpression : (whitespace? 'case' .+ '=>' block whitespace?) | whitespace
    forExpression : '@' "for" parentheses block
    simpleExpr : methodCall expressionPart*
    complexExpr : parentheses
    safeExpression : '@' parentheses
    elseCall : whitespaceNoBreak? "else" whitespaceNoBreak?
    elseIfCall : whitespaceNoBreak? "else if" parentheses  whitespaceNoBreak?
    chainedMethods : ('.' methodCall)+
    expressionPart : chainedMethods | block | (whitespaceNoBreak scalaBlockChained) | elseIfCall | elseCall | parentheses
    expression : '@' methodCall expressionPart*
    methodCall : identifier squareBrackets? parentheses?
    blockArgs : [^'=>' '\n']* '=>'
    block : whitespaceNoBreak? '{' blockArgs? mixed* '}'
    brackets : '{' (brackets | [^'}'])* '}'
    comment : '@*' [^'*@']* '*@'
    parentheses : '(' (parentheses | [^')'])* ')'
    squareBrackets : '[' (squareBrackets | [^']'])* ']'
    plain : ('@@' | '@}' | ([^'@'] [^'{' '}']))+
    whitespaceNoBreak : [' ' '\t']+
    identifier : javaIdentStart javaIdentPart* // see java docs for what these two rules mean

    TwirlParser can detect several type of parse errors and provides line information. In all cases, the parser will continue parsing the best it can after encountering an error. The following errors are what can be detected:

    • EOF found when more input was expected.
    • Unmatched curly braces
    • Missing blocks after case and match statements
    • Invalid ("alone") '@' symbols.

Value Members

  1. object TreeNodes

