Class WorkflowShadower

  • public final class WorkflowShadower
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorkflowShadower

        public WorkflowShadower​(IWorkflowService service,
                                ShadowingOptions options,
                                java.lang.String taskList)
        WorkflowShadower fetches the workflow history from remote and run replay test locally.
        service - is the target service to fetch workflow history.
        options - is the shadowing options.
        taskList - is the task list used in the workflows.
      • WorkflowShadower

        public WorkflowShadower​(IWorkflowService service,
                                ShadowingOptions options,
                                java.lang.String taskList,
                                com.uber.m3.tally.Scope metricsScope,
                                TestEnvironmentOptions testOptions)
        WorkflowShadower fetches the workflow history from remote and run replay test locally.
        service - is the target service to fetch workflow history.
        options - is the shadowing options.
        taskList - is the task list used in the workflows.
        metricsScope - uses to emit replay metrics.
        testOptions - uses to set customized data converter, interceptor and context propagator.
      • WorkflowShadower

        public WorkflowShadower​(IWorkflowService service,
                                ShadowingOptions options,
                                java.lang.String taskList,
                                com.uber.m3.tally.Scope metricsScope)
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run()
                 throws java.lang.Throwable
      • registerWorkflowImplementationTypes

        public void registerWorkflowImplementationTypes​(java.lang.Class<?>... workflowImplementationClasses)
      • registerWorkflowImplementationTypes

        public void registerWorkflowImplementationTypes​(WorkflowImplementationOptions options,
                                                        java.lang.Class<?>... workflowImplementationClasses)
      • addWorkflowImplementationFactory

        public <R> void addWorkflowImplementationFactory​(java.lang.Class<R> workflowInterface,
                                                         Functions.Func<R> factory)