Class EmphasisDelimiterProcessor

    • Constructor Detail

      • EmphasisDelimiterProcessor

        protected EmphasisDelimiterProcessor​(char delimiterChar,
                                             boolean strongWrapsEmphasis)
    • Method Detail

      • getOpeningCharacter

        public char getOpeningCharacter()
        Specified by:
        getOpeningCharacter in interface DelimiterProcessor
        the character that marks the beginning of a delimited node, must not clash with any built-in special characters
      • getClosingCharacter

        public char getClosingCharacter()
        Specified by:
        getClosingCharacter in interface DelimiterProcessor
        the character that marks the the ending of a delimited node, must not clash with any built-in special characters. Note that for a symmetric delimiter such as "*", this is the same as the opening.
      • getMinLength

        public int getMinLength()
        Specified by:
        getMinLength in interface DelimiterProcessor
        Minimum number of delimiter characters that are needed to activate this. Must be at least 1.
      • canBeOpener

        public boolean canBeOpener​(String before,
                                   String after,
                                   boolean leftFlanking,
                                   boolean rightFlanking,
                                   boolean beforeIsPunctuation,
                                   boolean afterIsPunctuation,
                                   boolean beforeIsWhitespace,
                                   boolean afterIsWhiteSpace)
        Description copied from interface: DelimiterProcessor
        Decide whether this delimiter can be an open delimiter
        Specified by:
        canBeOpener in interface DelimiterProcessor
        before - string before delimiter or '\n' if none
        after - string after delimiter or '\n' if none
        leftFlanking - is left flanking delimiter
        rightFlanking - is right flanking delimiter
        beforeIsPunctuation - is punctuation before
        afterIsPunctuation - is punctuation after
        beforeIsWhitespace - is whitespace before
        afterIsWhiteSpace - is whitespace after
        true if can be open delimiter
      • canBeCloser

        public boolean canBeCloser​(String before,
                                   String after,
                                   boolean leftFlanking,
                                   boolean rightFlanking,
                                   boolean beforeIsPunctuation,
                                   boolean afterIsPunctuation,
                                   boolean beforeIsWhitespace,
                                   boolean afterIsWhiteSpace)
        Description copied from interface: DelimiterProcessor
        Decide whether this delimiter can be a close delimiter
        Specified by:
        canBeCloser in interface DelimiterProcessor
        before - string before delimiter or '\n' if none
        after - string after delimiter or '\n' if none
        leftFlanking - is left flanking delimiter
        rightFlanking - is right flanking delimiter
        beforeIsPunctuation - is punctuation before
        afterIsPunctuation - is punctuation after
        beforeIsWhitespace - is whitespace before
        afterIsWhiteSpace - is whitespace after
        true if can be open delimiter
      • unmatchedDelimiterNode

        public com.vladsch.flexmark.util.ast.Node unmatchedDelimiterNode​(InlineParser inlineParser,
                                                                         DelimiterRun delimiter)
        Description copied from interface: DelimiterProcessor
        Allow delimiter processor to substitute unmatched delimiters by custom nodes
        Specified by:
        unmatchedDelimiterNode in interface DelimiterProcessor
        inlineParser - inline parser instance
        delimiter - delimiter run that was not matched
        node to replace unmatched delimiter, null or delimiter.getNode() to replace with delimiter text
      • getDelimiterUse

        public int getDelimiterUse​(DelimiterRun opener,
                                   DelimiterRun closer)
        Description copied from interface: DelimiterProcessor
        Determine how many (if any) of the delimiter characters should be used.

        This allows implementations to decide how many characters to use based on the properties of the delimiter runs. An implementation can also return 0 when it doesn't want to allow this particular combination of delimiter runs.

        Specified by:
        getDelimiterUse in interface DelimiterProcessor
        opener - the opening delimiter run
        closer - the closing delimiter run
        how many delimiters should be used; must not be greater than length of either opener or closer
      • process

        public void process​(Delimiter opener,
                            Delimiter closer,
                            int delimitersUsed)
        Description copied from interface: DelimiterProcessor
        Process the matched delimiters, e.g. by wrapping the nodes between opener and closer in a new node, or appending a new node after the opener.

        Note that removal of the delimiter from the delimiter nodes and unlinking them is done by the caller.

        Specified by:
        process in interface DelimiterProcessor
        opener - the delimiter with text node that contained the opening delimiter
        closer - the delimiter with text node that contained the closing delimiter
        delimitersUsed - the number of delimiters that were used