Class LogsIngester

    • Field Detail

      • logger

        protected static final Logger logger
    • Constructor Detail

      • LogsIngester

        public LogsIngester​(ReportableEntityHandlerFactory handlerFactory,
                            Supplier<LogsIngestionConfig> logsIngestionConfigSupplier,
                            String prefix)
                     throws ConfigurationException
        Create an instance using system clock.
        handlerFactory - factory for point handlers and histogram handlers
        logsIngestionConfigSupplier - supplied configuration object for logs harvesting. May be reloaded. Must return "null" on any problems, as opposed to throwing.
        prefix - all harvested metrics start with this prefix
    • Method Detail

      • start

        public void start()
      • flush

        public void flush()
      • ingestLog

        public void ingestLog​(LogsMessage logsMessage)