

package column

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractListColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, RR] extends Column[Owner, Record, List[RR]] with CollectionValueDefinition[RR]

  2. abstract class AbstractMapColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, K, V] extends Column[Owner, Record, Map[K, V]] with CollectionValueDefinition[V]

  3. sealed abstract class AbstractQueryColumn[T] extends OrderingColumn[T]

    A class enforcing columns used in where clauses to be indexed.

    A class enforcing columns used in where clauses to be indexed. Using an implicit mechanism, only columns that are indexed can be converted into Indexed columns. This enforces a Cassandra limitation at compile time. It prevents a user from querying and using where operators on a column without any index.


    The type of the value the column holds.

  4. abstract class AbstractSetColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, RR] extends Column[Owner, Record, Set[RR]] with CollectionValueDefinition[RR]

  5. sealed trait CollectionOperators extends AnyRef

  6. trait CollectionValueDefinition[RR] extends AnyRef

  7. abstract class Column[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, T] extends AbstractColumn[T]

  8. class ConditionalOperations[T] extends AnyRef

  9. sealed trait ConditionalOperators extends LowPriorityImplicits

  10. class CounterColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record] extends Column[Owner, Record, Long] with CounterRestriction[Long]

  11. class DateColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record] extends PrimitiveColumn[Owner, Record, Date]

    A Date Column, used to enforce restrictions on clustering order.

    A Date Column, used to enforce restrictions on clustering order.


    The Owner of the Record.


    The Record type.

  12. class DateTimeColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record] extends PrimitiveColumn[Owner, Record, DateTime]

    A DateTime Column, used to enforce restrictions on clustering order.

    A DateTime Column, used to enforce restrictions on clustering order.


    The Owner of the Record.


    The Record type.

  13. class EnumColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, EnumType <: Enumeration] extends Column[Owner, Record, column.EnumColumn.EnumType.Value]

  14. sealed trait IndexRestrictions extends AnyRef

  15. abstract class JsonColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, ValueType] extends Column[T, R, ValueType] with JsonDefinition[ValueType]

  16. sealed trait JsonDefinition[T] extends AnyRef

  17. abstract class JsonListColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, ValueType] extends AbstractListColumn[T, R, ValueType] with JsonDefinition[ValueType]

  18. abstract class JsonSetColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, ValueType] extends AbstractSetColumn[T, R, ValueType] with JsonDefinition[ValueType]

  19. class ListColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, RR] extends AbstractListColumn[Owner, Record, RR] with PrimitiveCollectionValue[RR]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  20. class LowPriorityImplicits extends AnyRef

    The LowPriorityImplicits class provides implicit values that are valid in all Scala compilation units without explicit qualification, but that are partially overridden by higher-priority conversions in object Predef.

    The LowPriorityImplicits class provides implicit values that are valid in all Scala compilation units without explicit qualification, but that are partially overridden by higher-priority conversions in object Predef.



  21. class MapColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, K, V] extends AbstractMapColumn[Owner, Record, K, V] with PrimitiveCollectionValue[V]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  22. sealed class ModifiableColumn[T] extends AnyRef

  23. class ModifyColumn[RR] extends AbstractModifyColumn[RR]

  24. sealed trait ModifyImplicits extends LowPriorityImplicits

  25. abstract class OptionalColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, T] extends AbstractColumn[Option[T]]

  26. class OptionalEnumColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, EnumType <: Enumeration] extends OptionalColumn[Owner, Record, column.OptionalEnumColumn.EnumType.Value]

  27. class OptionalPrimitiveColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, T] extends OptionalColumn[Owner, Record, T]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  28. sealed class OrderingColumn[T] extends AnyRef

  29. sealed trait OrderingOperators extends AnyRef

  30. trait PrimitiveCollectionValue[R] extends CollectionValueDefinition[R]

  31. class PrimitiveColumn[T <: CassandraTable[T, R], R, RR] extends Column[T, R, RR]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  32. class QueryColumn[RR] extends AbstractQueryColumn[RR]

  33. sealed abstract class SelectColumn[T] extends AnyRef

  34. class SetColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record, RR] extends AbstractSetColumn[Owner, Record, RR] with PrimitiveCollectionValue[RR]

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  35. class TimeUUIDColumn[Owner <: CassandraTable[Owner, Record], Record] extends PrimitiveColumn[Owner, Record, UUID]
