

package wix

  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. package accord

    The entry-point to the Accord library.

    The entry-point to the Accord library.


    An Accord validator is a typeclass, which adds data validation rules over an existing domain model. The api module deals with the usage site; details on how to define validators can be found in the core module.

    To use a validator, simply import this package, make sure the validator is in scope and use the validate function:

    scala> import com.wix.accord._
    import com.wix.accord._
    scala> import MyDomain._
    import MyDomain._
    scala> val person = Person( name = "Niklaus", surname = "Wirth", age = 81 )
    person: MyDomain.Person = Person(Niklaus,Wirth,81)
    scala> validate( person )
    res0: com.wix.accord.Result = Success

    See Result, Success and Failure for details of the result model.
