

package dsl

Provides a DSL for defining validation rules.


Accord provides a convenient DSL for defining validation rules. To define a validator over some type T, import this package and invoke validator[T]. You can then use the provided sample object to define various rules:

scala> case class Person( name: String, age: Int )
defined class Person

scala> import com.wix.accord.dsl._    // Import the validator DSL
import com.wix.accord.dsl._

scala> implicit val personValidator = validator[ Person ] { p =>
     |   // Validation rules:
     | is notEmpty
     |   p.age should be >= 18
     | }
personValidator: com.wix.accord.transform.ValidationTransform.TransformedValidator[Person] = <function1>

Accord adds an implicit logical and relation between the rules, so all rules must apply in order for the validation to be successful. You can specify as many rules as you like.


Each validation rule has an associated description (accessible via com.wix.accord.Violation.description). This description is automatically generated by Accord:

scala> import com.wix.accord._
import com.wix.accord._

scala> validate( Person( "", 15 ) )
res1: com.wix.accord.Result = Failure(Set(RuleViolation(,must not be empty,Some(name)), RuleViolation(15,got 15, expected 18 or more,Some(age))))

You can also explicitly provide a description with the "as" modifier:

scala> implicit val personValidator = validator[ Person ] { p =>
     | as "Full name" is notEmpty
     |   p.age as "Age" should be >= 18
     | }
personValidator: com.wix.accord.transform.ValidationTransform.TransformedValidator[Person] = <function1>

scala> validate( Person( "", 15 ) )
res2: com.wix.accord.Result = Failure(Set(RuleViolation(,must not be empty,Some(Full name)), RuleViolation(15,got 15, expected 18 or more,Some(Age))))


Accord offers a built-in library of building blocks (called "combinators") that can be composed into more complex validation rules:

// Equality
sample.field is equalTo( "value" )
sample.field is notEqualTo( "value" )

// Nullability (only applies to reference types)
sample.field is aNull
sample.field is notNull

// Delegation
sample.field is valid    					// Implicitly, or
sample.field is valid( myOwnValidator )		// Explicitly
// Booleans
sample.booleanField is true
sample.booleanField is false

// Strings
sample.stringField should startWith( "prefix" )
sample.stringField should endWith( "suffix" )
sample.stringField should matchRegex( "b[aeiou]t" )       // Matches "bat" and "dingbat"
sample.stringField should matchRegexFully( "b[aeiou]t" )  // Matches "bat" but not "dingbat"
sample.stringField should matchRegex( pattern )           // You can also use java.util.regex.Pattern
sample.stringField should matchRegex( regex )             // ... or scala.util.matching.Regex
sample.stringField is blank                               // Matches empty or whitespace-only strings
sample.stringField is notBlank

// You can use "must" instead of "should":
sample.stringField must startWith( "prefix" )

// Strings are also "collection-like", so all collection combinators apply (see below)
sample.stringField is notEmpty

// Numerics (applies to any type with an instance of scala.math.Ordering in implicit search scope):
sample.intField should be < 5
sample.intField should be > 5
sample.intField should be <= 5
sample.intField should be >= 5
sample.intField should be == 5
sample.intField is between( 0, 10 )
sample.intField is between( 0, 10 ).exclusive
sample.intField is within( 0 to 10 )              // Inclusive
sample.intField is within( 0 until 10 )           // Exclusive
// Emptiness
sample.seq is empty
sample.seq is notEmpty

// This applies to any type that has a boolean "isEmpty" property, such as string)
// The "each" modifier applies the validation to all members of a collection:
sample.seq.each should be >= 10
sample.option.each should be >= 10                // Allows None or Some(15)

// Size (applies to any type with an integer "size" property)
// See "Numerics" above for additional operations
sample.seq has size >= 8
sample.entities have size >= 8		// You can use "have" in place of "has"
Boolean Expressions
// Logical AND (not strictly required, since you can just split into separate rules)
( is notEmpty ) and ( person.age should be >= 18 )

// Logical OR
( is notEmpty ) or ( person.phoneNumber is notEmpty )

// You can also nest rules:
( fromJava.tags is aNull ) or (
  ( fromJava.tags is notEmpty ) and
  ( fromJava.tags.each should matchRegexFully( "\\S+" ) )
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. dsl
  2. BooleanOps
  3. OrderingOps
  4. GenericOps
  5. CollectionOps
  6. StringOps
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
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  2. Show all
Learn more about member selection
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BooleanOps extends AnyRef

    Provides a DSL for booleans.

  2. class CollectionDslContext[Inner, Outer] extends ContextTransformer[Inner, Outer]

  3. trait CollectionOps extends AnyRef

    Provides a DSL for collection-like objects.

    Provides a DSL for collection-like objects. Works in conjunction with com.wix.accord.dsl.DslContext.

  4. trait ContextTransformer[Inner, Outer] extends AnyRef

  5. implicit class Contextualizer[U] extends SimpleDslContext[U]

    Wraps expressions under validation with the Accord DSL.

    Wraps expressions under validation with the Accord DSL.

    This class provides the entry point into the DSL, by wrapping an expression with a specialized scope (this is later used during the macro transform). This enables syntax such as p.firstName is notEmpty, where p.firstName is the actual expression under validation.

    See the package documentation for a full description of the DSL.


    The type of the provided expression.

    See also


  6. implicit class Descriptor[U] extends AnyRef

    Enables explicitly describing expression under validation.

    Enables explicitly describing expression under validation.

    After the macro transform, the resulting validator will use the specified description to render violations. See the as method for full example.


    The type of the provided expression.

    See also


  7. trait DslContext[Inner, Outer] extends AnyRef

  8. trait FallbackIndexDescriptions extends AnyRef

  9. trait GenericOps extends AnyRef

    Provides a DSL for untyped validators.

  10. type HasSize = Any { def size: Int }

    A structural type representing any object that has a size.

    A structural type representing any object that has a size.

    Definition Classes
  11. trait IndexedDescriptions[T] extends AnyRef

  12. trait OrderingOps extends AnyRef

    Provides a DSL for types with a corresponding implmentation of scala.math.Ordering.

    Provides a DSL for types with a corresponding implmentation of scala.math.Ordering.

    Implementation note: All methods here should only require scala.math.PartialOrdering, but the canonical implicits are defined in the Ordering companion and would therefore not be imported by default at the call site. This seems like a worthwhile trade-off.

  13. trait SimpleDslContext[U] extends DslContext[U, U] with ContextTransformer[U, U]

  14. trait StringOps extends AnyRef

    Provides a DSL for string validators.

  15. implicit class ValidatorBooleanOps[T] extends AnyRef

    Extends validators with useful helpers.

    Extends validators with useful helpers.

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. def <[T](other: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T], arg1: Nullability[T]): combinators.LesserThan[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds only if the provided value is less than the specified bound.

    Generates a validator that succeeds only if the provided value is less than the specified bound.

    Definition Classes
  2. def <=[T](other: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T], arg1: Nullability[T]): combinators.LesserThanOrEqual[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is less than or equal to the specified bound.

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is less than or equal to the specified bound.

    Definition Classes
  3. def ==[T](other: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T], arg1: Nullability[T]): combinators.EquivalentTo[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is exactly equal to the specified value.

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is exactly equal to the specified value.

    Definition Classes
  4. def >[T](other: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T], arg1: Nullability[T]): combinators.GreaterThan[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds only if the provided value is greater than the specified bound.

    Generates a validator that succeeds only if the provided value is greater than the specified bound.

    Definition Classes
  5. def >=[T](other: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T], arg1: Nullability[T]): combinators.GreaterThanOrEqual[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is greater than or equal to the specified bound.

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is greater than or equal to the specified bound.

    Definition Classes
  6. object Aggregates

  7. object IndexedDescriptions extends FallbackIndexDescriptions

  8. def aNull: Validator[AnyRef]

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression is null.

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression is null.

    Definition Classes
  9. def anInstanceOf[T <: AnyRef](implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): Validator[AnyRef]

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression evaluates to the specified type.

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression evaluates to the specified type. Respects nulls.

    Definition Classes
  10. val be: OrderingOps

    Provides the "be" keyword.

    Provides the "be" keyword.

    Makes all members of OrderingOps accessible via the following syntax:

    p.age should be > 5`
    See also


  11. def between[T](lowerBound: T, upperBound: T)(implicit arg0: Ordering[T], arg1: Nullability[T]): combinators.InRangeInclusive[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is between (inclusive) the specified bounds.

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is between (inclusive) the specified bounds. The method exclusive is provided to specify an exclusive upper bound.

    Definition Classes
  12. def blank: Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression is blank (i.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression is blank (i.e. empty or whitespace-only).

    Definition Classes
  13. implicit def booleanToBooleanValidator(b: Boolean): Validator[Boolean]

    An implicit conversion from boolean to a respective IsTrue/IsFalse instance; this enables syntax such as customer.emailOptIn is true.

    An implicit conversion from boolean to a respective IsTrue/IsFalse instance; this enables syntax such as customer.emailOptIn is true.

    Definition Classes
  14. def distinct: combinators.Distinct.type

    Specifies a validator that fails on collections with duplicate elements.

    Specifies a validator that fails on collections with duplicate elements.

    Definition Classes
  15. def empty[T <: AnyRef](implicit ev: (T) ⇒ combinators.HasEmpty): Validator[T]

    Specifies a validator that succeeds on empty instances; the object under validation must implement def isEmpty: Boolean (see com.wix.accord.combinators.HasEmpty).

    Specifies a validator that succeeds on empty instances; the object under validation must implement def isEmpty: Boolean (see com.wix.accord.combinators.HasEmpty).

    Definition Classes
  16. def endWith(suffix: String): Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression ends with the specified suffix.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression ends with the specified suffix.

    Definition Classes
  17. def equalTo[T](to: T): Validator[T]

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression is equal to the specified value.

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression is equal to the specified value. Respects nulls an performs equality checks via java.lang.Object.equals.

    Definition Classes
  18. implicit def genericTraversableOnce2HasSize[T](gto: T)(implicit ev: (T) ⇒ GenTraversableOnce[_]): HasSize

    An implicit conversion to enable any collection-like object (e.

    An implicit conversion to enable any collection-like object (e.g. strings, options) to be handled by com.wix.accord.dsl.CollectionDslContext.

    java.lang.String does not directly implement size (in practice it is implemented in scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized via an implicit conversion and an inheritance stack), and this is a case where the Scala compiler does not always infer structural types correctly. By requiring a view bound from T to scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce we can force any collection-like structure to conform to the structural type com.wix.accord.dsl.CollectionOps.HasSize, and by requiring a view bound from T to com.wix.accord.dsl.CollectionOps.HasSize at the call site (via com.wix.accord.dsl.CollectionDslContext) we additionally support any class that directly conforms to the structural type as well.


    The type that conforms, directly or implicitly, to com.wix.accord.dsl.CollectionOps.HasSize.


    An object that is, or is implicitly convertible to, scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce.


    The specified object, strictly-typed as com.wix.accord.dsl.CollectionOps.HasSize.

    Definition Classes
  19. def in[T](items: T*): Validator[T]

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the object exists in the specified set of items.

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the object exists in the specified set of items.

    Definition Classes
  20. def in[T](set: Set[T]): Validator[T]

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the object exists in the specified set.

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the object exists in the specified set.

    Definition Classes
  21. def matchRegex(pattern: Pattern): Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression matches the specified regular expression.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression matches the specified regular expression.

    Definition Classes
  22. def matchRegex(regex: Regex): Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression matches the specified regular expression.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression matches the specified regular expression.

    Definition Classes
  23. def matchRegex(regex: String): Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression matches the specified regular expression.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression matches the specified regular expression.

    Definition Classes
  24. def matchRegexFully(pattern: Pattern): Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression **fully** matches the specified regular expression.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression **fully** matches the specified regular expression. See com.wix.accord.combinators.StringCombinators.MatchesRegex for a full explanation of the difference between partial and full matching.

    Definition Classes
  25. def matchRegexFully(regex: Regex): Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression **fully** matches the specified regular expression.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression **fully** matches the specified regular expression. See com.wix.accord.combinators.StringCombinators.MatchesRegex for a full explanation of the difference between partial and full matching.

    Definition Classes
  26. def matchRegexFully(regex: String): Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression **fully** matches the specified regular expression.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression **fully** matches the specified regular expression. See com.wix.accord.combinators.StringCombinators.MatchesRegex for a full explanation of the difference between partial and full matching.

    Definition Classes
  27. def notAnInstanceOf[T <: AnyRef](implicit arg0: ClassTag[T]): Validator[AnyRef]

    Specifies a validator that fails only if the validation expression evaluates to the specified type.

    Specifies a validator that fails only if the validation expression evaluates to the specified type. Respects nulls.

    Definition Classes
  28. def notBlank: Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression is not blank (i.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression is not blank (i.e. empty or whitespace-only).

    Definition Classes
  29. def notEmpty[T <: AnyRef](implicit ev: (T) ⇒ combinators.HasEmpty): Validator[T]

    Specifies a validator that fails on empty instances; the object under validation must implement def isEmpty: Boolean (see com.wix.accord.combinators.HasEmpty).

    Specifies a validator that fails on empty instances; the object under validation must implement def isEmpty: Boolean (see com.wix.accord.combinators.HasEmpty).

    Definition Classes
  30. def notEqualTo[T](to: T): Validator[T]

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression is not equal to the specified value.

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression is not equal to the specified value. Respects nulls an performs equality checks via java.lang.Object.equals.

    Definition Classes
  31. def notNull: Validator[AnyRef]

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression is not null.

    Specifies a validator that succeeds only if the validation expression is not null.

    Definition Classes
  32. def prefix: String

    Definition Classes
  33. val size: OrderingOps

    Provides access to size-based validators (where the object under validation must implement def size: Int, see com.wix.accord.dsl.CollectionOps.HasSize).

    Provides access to size-based validators (where the object under validation must implement def size: Int, see com.wix.accord.dsl.CollectionOps.HasSize). Enables syntax such as c.students has size > 0.

    Definition Classes
  34. def snippet: String

    Definition Classes
  35. def startWith(prefix: String): Validator[String]

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression starts with the specified prefix.

    Specifies a validator that operates on strings and succeeds only if the validation expression starts with the specified prefix.

    Definition Classes
  36. def valid[T](implicit validator: Validator[T]): Validator[T]

    Delegates validation to a pre-defined validation rule, which is encoded as an implicit com.wix.accord.Validator in scope.

    Delegates validation to a pre-defined validation rule, which is encoded as an implicit com.wix.accord.Validator in scope. Enables composition of validation rules, as in:

    case class Address( address1: String, address2: String, city: String, ... ) case class Item( sku: String, count: Int, ... ) case class Shipment( items: Seq[ Item ], address: Location, ... )

    implicit val addressValidator = validator[ Address ] { ... } implicit val itemValidator = validator[ Item ] { ... }

    implicit val shipmentValidator = validator[ Shipment ] { shipment => shipment.address is valid // Implicitly uses addressValidator shipment.items.each is valid // Implicitly uses itemValidator }

    Definition Classes
  37. macro def validator[T](v: (T) ⇒ Unit): TransformedValidator[T]

    Defines a new validator for the specified type.

    Defines a new validator for the specified type.

    This function takes a block of validation rules (encoded as a "thunk"), and rewrites them as a full-fledged instance of Validator. A full example and details of the available syntax can be found in the package documentation.

    Details of the code transformation are documented in ValidationTransform (fair warning: this description is quite low-level and fairly involved, and will likely not be of interest to most users).


    The type under validation.


    The validation code block; may contain any combination of validation statements.


    The validation code block rewritten as a com.wix.accord.Validator for the specified type T.

    See also


  38. def within[T](range: NumericRange[T])(implicit arg0: Ordering[T], arg1: Nullability[T]): combinators.InRange[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is within the specified range.

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is within the specified range.

    Definition Classes
  39. def within(range: Range): combinators.InRange[Int]

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is within the specified range.

    Generates a validator that succeeds if the provided value is within the specified range.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from BooleanOps

Inherited from OrderingOps

Inherited from GenericOps

Inherited from CollectionOps

Inherited from StringOps

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
