

package joda

Adds support for ReadableInstants (and subclasses) to the Accord DSL.


To use these extensions, import this package as follows:

import org.joda.time.DateTime
import org.joda.time.Duration

case class Person( name: String, birthDate: DateTime )

// Import the Accord DSL and JODA extensions...
import com.wix.accord.dsl._
import com.wix.accord.joda._

// DateTime (and other instant types) are now supported
implicit val personValidator = validator[ Person ] { p => is notEmpty
  p.birthDate is before( )


Supported operations:

// Simple equality/inequality
val lastYear = Duration.standardDays( 365L ) )
p.birthDate is equalTo( lastYear )
p.birthDate is notEqualTo( lastYear )

// Equality with tolerance
p.birthDate is within( Duration.standardDays( 7L ) ).of( lastYear )

// Before/after
val ageOfAdulthood = Duration.standardDays( 18 * 365L ) )
p.birthDate is before( ageOfAdulthood )
p.birthDate is after( ageOfAdulthood )
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By inheritance
  1. joda
  2. ReadableInstantOps
  3. ReadableInstantCombinators
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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  1. Public
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Type Members

  1. class After[T <: ReadableInstant] extends NullSafeValidator[T]

    A validator that succeeds only for values that come strictly after before the specified bound.

    A validator that succeeds only for values that come strictly after before the specified bound.

    Definition Classes
  2. class Before[T <: ReadableInstant] extends NullSafeValidator[T]

    A validator that succeeds only for values that come strictly before the specified bound.

    A validator that succeeds only for values that come strictly before the specified bound.

    Definition Classes
  3. implicit class ExtendAccordDSL extends AnyRef

    Extends the Accord DSL with additional within operations over instants.

    Extends the Accord DSL with additional within operations over instants.

    Definition Classes
  4. trait ReadableInstantCombinators extends AnyRef

    Combinators that operate specifically on instants (and subclasses thereof).

  5. trait ReadableInstantOps extends AnyRef

    Provides a DSL for validating ReadableInstants (and subclasses thereof).

  6. class Within[T <: ReadableInstant] extends NullSafeValidator[T]

    A validator that succeeds only for values that are within (i.

    A validator that succeeds only for values that are within (i.e. before or after) a period of the specified temporal (for example, "within a month of this person's birth date").

    This is essentially equivalent to (value >= of - duration) && (value <= of + duration).

    Definition Classes
  7. class WithinBuilder[T <: ReadableInstant] extends AnyRef

    A builder to support the within DSL extensions.

    A builder to support the within DSL extensions.

    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. def after[T <: ReadableInstant](right: T): After[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds only if the provided value comes strictly after the specified bound.

    Generates a validator that succeeds only if the provided value comes strictly after the specified bound.

    Definition Classes
  2. def before[T <: ReadableInstant](right: T): Before[T]

    Generates a validator that succeeds only if the provided value comes strictly before the specified bound.

    Generates a validator that succeeds only if the provided value comes strictly before the specified bound.

    Definition Classes

Inherited from ReadableInstantOps

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
