Class Headers

    • Constructor Detail

      • Headers

        public Headers()
    • Method Detail

      • contains

        public boolean contains​(String key,
                                String value)

        Convenience method for checking whether or not a named header contains a specific value. If the named header is not set, or if the given value is not contained within that header's value list, this method returns false.

        NOTE: This method is case-SENSITIVE.

        key - The key whose values to search in.
        value - The values to search for.
        True if the given value was found in the named header.
        See Also:
        containsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
      • containsIgnoreCase

        public boolean containsIgnoreCase​(String key,
                                          String value)

        Convenience method for checking whether or not a named header contains a specific value, regardless of case. If the named header is not set, or if the given value is not contained within that header's value list, this method returns false.

        NOTE: This method is case-INSENSITIVE.

        key - The key whose values to search in.
        value - The values to search for, ignoring case.
        True if the given value was found in the named header.
        See Also:
        contains(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
      • add

        public void add​(String key,
                        String value)

        Adds the given value to the entry of the specified key. If no entry exists for the given key, a new one is created containing only the given value.

        key - The key with which the specified value is to be associated.
        value - The value to be added to the list associated with the specified key.
      • add

        public void add​(String key,
                        List<String> values)

        Adds the given values to the entry of the specified key. If no entry exists for the given key, a new one is created containing only the given values.

        key - The key with which the specified value is to be associated.
        values - The values to be added to the list associated with the specified key.
      • addAll

        public void addAll​(Map<? extends String,​? extends List<String>> values)

        Adds all the entries of the given map to this. This is the same as calling add(String, List) for each entry in values.

        values - The values to be added to this.
      • put

        public List<String> put​(String key,
                                String value)

        Convenience method to call put(String, List) with a singleton list that contains the specified value.

        key - The key of the entry to put.
        value - The value to put.
        The previous value associated with key, or null if there was no mapping for key.
      • remove

        public boolean remove​(String key,
                              String value)

        Removes the given value from the entry of the specified key.

        key - The key of the entry to remove from.
        value - The value to remove from the entry.
        True if the value was removed.
      • getFirst

        public String getFirst​(String key)

        Convenience method for retrieving the first value of a named header field. If the header is not set, or if the value list is empty, this method returns null.

        key - The key whose first value to return.
        The first value of the named header, or null.
      • isTrue

        public boolean isTrue​(String key)

        Convenience method for checking whether or not a named header field is true. To satisfy this, the header field needs to have at least 1 entry, and Boolean.valueOf() of all its values must parse as true.

        key - The key whose values to parse as a boolean.
        The boolean value of the named header.
      • entries

        public List<Map.Entry<String,​String>> entries()

        Returns an unmodifiable list of all key-value pairs of this. This provides a flattened view on the content of this map.

        The collection of entries.