Class Processing

  • public class Processing
    extends Object
    Executor of processors. This defines the right order of processor execution.
    bratseth, bjorncs
    • Constructor Detail

      • Processing

        public Processing()
      • Processing

        public Processing​( properties)
    • Method Detail

      • process

        public void process​(Schema schema,
                            RankProfileRegistry rankProfileRegistry,
                            QueryProfiles queryProfiles,
                            boolean validate,
                            boolean documentsOnly,
                            Set<Class<? extends Processor>> processorsToSkip)
        Runs all search processors on the given Schema object. These will modify the search object, possibly exchanging it with another, as well as its document types.
        schema - the search to process
        deployLogger - the log to log messages and warnings for application deployment to
        rankProfileRegistry - a RankProfileRegistry
        queryProfiles - the query profiles contained in the application this search is part of
        processorsToSkip - a set of processor classes we should not invoke in this. Useful for testing.
      • processRankProfiles

        public void processRankProfiles​( deployLogger,
                                        RankProfileRegistry rankProfileRegistry,
                                        QueryProfiles queryProfiles,
                                        boolean validate,
                                        boolean documentsOnly)
        Runs rank profiles processors only.
        deployLogger - the log to log messages and warnings for application deployment to
        rankProfileRegistry - a RankProfileRegistry
        queryProfiles - the query profiles contained in the application this search is part of