Package onnx

Interface Onnx.GraphProtoOrBuilder

  • All Superinterfaces:,
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Onnx.GraphProto, Onnx.GraphProto.Builder
    Enclosing class:

    public static interface Onnx.GraphProtoOrBuilder
    • Method Detail

      • getNodeList

        List<Onnx.NodeProto> getNodeList()
         The nodes in the graph, sorted topologically.
        repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 1;
      • getNode

        Onnx.NodeProto getNode​(int index)
         The nodes in the graph, sorted topologically.
        repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 1;
      • getNodeCount

        int getNodeCount()
         The nodes in the graph, sorted topologically.
        repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 1;
      • getNodeOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Onnx.NodeProtoOrBuilder> getNodeOrBuilderList()
         The nodes in the graph, sorted topologically.
        repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 1;
      • getNodeOrBuilder

        Onnx.NodeProtoOrBuilder getNodeOrBuilder​(int index)
         The nodes in the graph, sorted topologically.
        repeated .onnx.NodeProto node = 1;
      • hasName

        boolean hasName()
         The name of the graph.
        optional string name = 2;
        Whether the name field is set.
      • getName

        String getName()
         The name of the graph.
        optional string name = 2;
        The name.
      • getNameBytes getNameBytes()
         The name of the graph.
        optional string name = 2;
        The bytes for name.
      • getInitializerList

        List<Onnx.TensorProto> getInitializerList()
         A list of named tensor values, used to specify constant inputs of the graph.
         Each TensorProto entry must have a distinct name (within the list) that
         also appears in the input list.
        repeated .onnx.TensorProto initializer = 5;
      • getInitializer

        Onnx.TensorProto getInitializer​(int index)
         A list of named tensor values, used to specify constant inputs of the graph.
         Each TensorProto entry must have a distinct name (within the list) that
         also appears in the input list.
        repeated .onnx.TensorProto initializer = 5;
      • getInitializerCount

        int getInitializerCount()
         A list of named tensor values, used to specify constant inputs of the graph.
         Each TensorProto entry must have a distinct name (within the list) that
         also appears in the input list.
        repeated .onnx.TensorProto initializer = 5;
      • getInitializerOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder> getInitializerOrBuilderList()
         A list of named tensor values, used to specify constant inputs of the graph.
         Each TensorProto entry must have a distinct name (within the list) that
         also appears in the input list.
        repeated .onnx.TensorProto initializer = 5;
      • getInitializerOrBuilder

        Onnx.TensorProtoOrBuilder getInitializerOrBuilder​(int index)
         A list of named tensor values, used to specify constant inputs of the graph.
         Each TensorProto entry must have a distinct name (within the list) that
         also appears in the input list.
        repeated .onnx.TensorProto initializer = 5;
      • hasDocString

        boolean hasDocString()
         A human-readable documentation for this graph. Markdown is allowed.
        optional string doc_string = 10;
        Whether the docString field is set.
      • getDocString

        String getDocString()
         A human-readable documentation for this graph. Markdown is allowed.
        optional string doc_string = 10;
        The docString.
      • getDocStringBytes getDocStringBytes()
         A human-readable documentation for this graph. Markdown is allowed.
        optional string doc_string = 10;
        The bytes for docString.
      • getInputList

        List<Onnx.ValueInfoProto> getInputList()
         The inputs and outputs of the graph.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto input = 11;
      • getInput

        Onnx.ValueInfoProto getInput​(int index)
         The inputs and outputs of the graph.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto input = 11;
      • getInputCount

        int getInputCount()
         The inputs and outputs of the graph.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto input = 11;
      • getInputOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Onnx.ValueInfoProtoOrBuilder> getInputOrBuilderList()
         The inputs and outputs of the graph.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto input = 11;
      • getInputOrBuilder

        Onnx.ValueInfoProtoOrBuilder getInputOrBuilder​(int index)
         The inputs and outputs of the graph.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto input = 11;
      • getOutput

        Onnx.ValueInfoProto getOutput​(int index)
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto output = 12;
      • getOutputCount

        int getOutputCount()
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto output = 12;
      • getValueInfoList

        List<Onnx.ValueInfoProto> getValueInfoList()
         Information for the values in the graph. The's
         must be distinct. It is optional for a value to appear in value_info list.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto value_info = 13;
      • getValueInfo

        Onnx.ValueInfoProto getValueInfo​(int index)
         Information for the values in the graph. The's
         must be distinct. It is optional for a value to appear in value_info list.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto value_info = 13;
      • getValueInfoCount

        int getValueInfoCount()
         Information for the values in the graph. The's
         must be distinct. It is optional for a value to appear in value_info list.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto value_info = 13;
      • getValueInfoOrBuilderList

        List<? extends Onnx.ValueInfoProtoOrBuilder> getValueInfoOrBuilderList()
         Information for the values in the graph. The's
         must be distinct. It is optional for a value to appear in value_info list.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto value_info = 13;
      • getValueInfoOrBuilder

        Onnx.ValueInfoProtoOrBuilder getValueInfoOrBuilder​(int index)
         Information for the values in the graph. The's
         must be distinct. It is optional for a value to appear in value_info list.
        repeated .onnx.ValueInfoProto value_info = 13;