Class FunctionShadower

  • public class FunctionShadower
    Transforms function nodes to reference nodes if a rank profile function shadows a built-in function. This has the effect of allowing rank profile functions to redefine built-in functions. Another effect is that we can add built-in functions over time without fear of breaking existing users' functions with the same name. However, there is a (largish) caveat. If a user has a function with a certain number of arguments, and we add in a built-in function with a different arity, this will cause parse errors as the Java parser gives precedence to built-in functions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FunctionShadower

        public FunctionShadower()
    • Method Detail

      • transform

        public transform​( expression,
                                                                                 RankProfileTransformContext context)
        transform in class<RankProfileTransformContext>
      • transform

        public transform​( node,
                                                                                   RankProfileTransformContext context)
        Specified by:
        transform in class<RankProfileTransformContext>