Class ConfigValueChangeValidator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ConfigValueChangeValidator
    extends Object
    implements ChangeValidator
    Compares the config instances in the current and next Vespa model to determine if some services will require restart. The configs used by a given service is deduced from the RestartConfigs annotation.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigValueChangeValidator

        public ConfigValueChangeValidator​( logger)
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public List<> validate​(VespaModel currentModel,
                                                                            VespaModel nextModel,
                                                                            Instant now)
        Inspects the configuration in the new and old Vespa model to determine which services that require restart
        Specified by:
        validate in interface ChangeValidator
        currentModel - the current active model
        nextModel - the next model we would like to activate
        overrides - validation overrides
        now - the instant to use as now
        a list of actions specifying what needs to be done in order to activate the new model. Return an empty list if nothing needs to be done