Class Routing


public class Routing extends ConfigModel
This is the routing plugin of the Vespa model. This class is responsible for parsing all routing information given explicitly by the user in the optional <routing> element. If there is no such element, only default routes and hops will be available.
Simon Thoresen Hult
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • setExplicitApplicationSpec

      public void setExplicitApplicationSpec( app)
      Sets the application specification to include when verifying the complete routing config. This needs to be invoked before deriveCommonSettings( to be included.
      app - the application specification to include
    • setExplicitRoutingSpec

      public void setExplicitRoutingSpec( routing)
      Sets the routing specification to include in the derived routing config. This needs to be invoked before deriveCommonSettings( to be included.
      routing - the routing specification to include
    • getProtocols

      public final List<Protocol> getProtocols()
    • deriveCommonSettings

      public void deriveCommonSettings(ConfigModelRepo plugins)
      Derives all routing settings that can be found by inspecting the given plugin container.
      plugins - all initialized plugins of the vespa model
    • getConfig

      public void getConfig( builder)
    • getConfig

      public void getConfig( builder)
    • getConfig

      public void getConfig( builder)
    • getErrors

      public List<String> getErrors()
      Returns a list of errors found when preparing the routing configuration.