
  • Classes
    Transforms named references to constant tensors with the rank feature 'constant'.
    The transformations done on ranking expressions done at config time before passing them on to the Vespa engine for execution.
    Inlines functions in ranking expressions
    Transforms function nodes to reference nodes if a rank profile function shadows a built-in function.
    Replaces instances of the lightgbm(model-path) pseudofeature with the native Vespa ranking expression implementing the same computation.
    Replaces instances of the onnx(model-path, output) pseudofeature with the native Vespa ranking expression implementing the same computation.
    Transforms ONNX model features of the forms: onnx(config_name) onnx(config_name).output onnx("path/to/model") onnx("path/to/model").output onnx("path/to/model", "path/to/output") onnx("path/to/model", "unused", "path/to/output") // signature is unused To the format expected by the backend: onnx(config_name).output
    Extends the transform context with rank profile information
    Replaces instances of the tensorflow(model-path, signature, output) pseudofeature with the native Vespa ranking expression implementing the same computation.
    Convenience feature transforms for inputs to Transformer type models.
    Replaces instances of the xgboost(model-path) pseudofeature with the native Vespa ranking expression implementing the same computation.