Interface Provisioner

  • public interface Provisioner
    Interface used by the config system to acquire hosts.
    Ulf Lilleengen
    • Method Detail

      • prepare

        java.util.List<HostSpec> prepare​(ApplicationId applicationId,
                                         ClusterSpec cluster,
                                         Capacity capacity,
                                         int groups,
                                         ProvisionLogger logger)
        Prepares allocation of a set of hosts with a given type, common id and the amount.
        applicationId - the application requesting hosts
        cluster - the specification of the cluster to allocate nodes for
        capacity - the capacity requested
        groups - the number of node groups to divide the requested capacity into
        logger - a logger which receives messages which are returned to the requestor
        the specification of the hosts allocated
      • activate

        void activate​( transaction,
                      ApplicationId application,
                      java.util.Collection<HostSpec> hosts)
        Activates the allocation of nodes to this application captured in the hosts argument.
        transaction - Transaction with operations to commit together with any operations done within the provisioner.
        application - The ApplicationId that was activated.
        hosts - a set of HostSpec.
      • remove

        void remove​( transaction,
                    ApplicationId application)
        Transactionally remove this application.
        transaction - Transaction with operations to commit together with any operations done within the provisioner.
        application - the application to remove
      • restart

        void restart​(ApplicationId application,
                     HostFilter filter)
        Requests a restart of the services of the given application
        application - the application to restart
        filter - a filter which matches the application nodes to restart