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activate() - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployment
Activates this deployment.
activate(NestedTransaction, ApplicationId, Collection<HostSpec>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Provisioner
Activates the allocation of nodes to this application captured in the hosts argument.
activateAllSupportedInfraApplications(boolean) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.InfraDeployer
Deploys all supported infrastructure applications in this zone.
add(NodeResources) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
admin - com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
aliases() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
Returns the aliases of this host as an immutable list.
all() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostFilter
Returns a filter which matches all hosts
all() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
AllocatedHosts - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
The hosts allocated to an application.
Allocation(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation
allocations() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts
Returns a read only collection of the port allocations of this
allOf(Predicate<SystemName>) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
any - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
any - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
application() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
ApplicationId - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A complete, immutable identification of an application instance.
ApplicationId(ApplicationIdConfig) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
ApplicationId.Builder - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
ApplicationLockException - Exception in com.yahoo.config.provision
Exception thrown when we are unable to get the Zookeeper application lock.
ApplicationLockException(Exception) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationLockException
applicationName(ApplicationName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId.Builder
applicationName(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId.Builder
ApplicationName - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
Represents an applications name, which may be any kind of string or default.
asString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
AthenzDomain - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
AthenzService - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision


bandwidthGbps() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
BARE_METAL - com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor.Type
build() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId.Builder


canFail() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
Returns true if an exception should be thrown if the specified capacity can not be satisfied (to whatever policies are applied and taking required true/false into account).
canRun(NodeType) - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
Capacity - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A capacity request.
cd - com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
Continuous deployment system
CertificateNotReadyException - Exception in com.yahoo.config.provision
Exception thrown when trying to validate an application which is configured with a certificate that is not yet retrievable
CertificateNotReadyException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.config.provision.CertificateNotReadyException
childNodeType() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
childNodeTypes() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
cloud() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Returns the current cloud
CloudName - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
Represents a cloud provider used in a hosted Vespa system.
cluster() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
Returns the cluster this node is a member of
clusterId(ClusterSpec.Id) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostFilter
Returns a filter which matches a given cluster id only
ClusterMembership - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A node's membership in a cluster.
ClusterMembership() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
ClusterSpec - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A specification of a cluster - or group in a grouped cluster - to be run on a set of hosts.
ClusterSpec.Group - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
Identifier of a group within a cluster
ClusterSpec.Id - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
ClusterSpec.Type - Enum in com.yahoo.config.provision
A cluster type
clusterType(ClusterSpec.Type) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostFilter
Returns a filter which matches a given cluster type only
com.yahoo.config.provision - package com.yahoo.config.provision
combined - com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
combinedId() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
Returns the ID of the container cluster that is combined with this.
compare(NodeResources.DiskSpeed, NodeResources.DiskSpeed) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
Compares disk speeds by cost: Slower is cheaper, and therefore before.
compare(NodeResources.StorageType, NodeResources.StorageType) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
Compares storage type by cost: Remote is cheaper, and therefore before.
compareTo(ApplicationId) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
compareTo(ApplicationName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName
compareTo(CloudName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.CloudName
compareTo(HostName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostName
compareTo(HostSpec) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
compareTo(InstanceName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName
compareTo(RegionName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName
compareTo(TenantName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.TenantName
compatibleWith(NodeResources) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
Returns true if all the resources of this are the same as or compatible with the given resources
compatibleWith(NodeResources.DiskSpeed) - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
compatibleWith(NodeResources.StorageType) - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
config - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
A config server
confighost - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
A host of a (Docker) config server node
configId - Variable in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation
container - com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
content - com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
controller - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
A controller
controllerhost - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
A host of a (Docker) controller node
cost() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
Get the monthly cost (total cost of ownership) in USD for this flavor, typically total cost divided by 36 months.


defaultEnvironment() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns the prod environment.
defaultId() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
Returns an application id where all fields are "default"
defaultName() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName
defaultName() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.CloudName
defaultName() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName
defaultName() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName
defaultName() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.TenantName
defaultSystem() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
defaultZone() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Do not use
Deployer - Interface in com.yahoo.config.provision
A deployer is used to deploy applications.
deployFromLocalActive(ApplicationId) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployer
Creates a new deployment from the active application, if available.
deployFromLocalActive(ApplicationId, boolean) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployer
Creates a new deployment from the active application, if available.
deployFromLocalActive(ApplicationId, Duration) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployer
Creates a new deployment from the active application, if available.
deployFromLocalActive(ApplicationId, Duration, boolean) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployer
Creates a new deployment from the active application, if available.
Deployment - Interface in com.yahoo.config.provision
A deployment of an application
description() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
dev - com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Environment used by individual developers to experiment
dev - com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
Local development system
devhost - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
A host of multiple nodes, only used in SystemName.dev
diskGb() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
diskSpeed() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
DOCKER_CONTAINER - com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor.Type
DockerImage - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A Docker image.


EMPTY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
environment() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Returns the current environment
Environment - Enum in com.yahoo.config.provision
Environments in hosted Vespa.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AllocatedHosts
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzDomain
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzService
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.CloudName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Group
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Id
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.TenantName
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
exclusive(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
exists(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeFlavors
Returns true if this flavor is configured or can be created on the fly


fast - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
flavor() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
use nodeResources instead
flavor() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
flavor(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostFilter
Returns a filter which matches a given flavor only
Flavor - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A host or node flavor.
Flavor(NodeResources) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
Creates a *node* flavor from a node resources spec
Flavor(FlavorsConfig.Flavor) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
Creates a *host* flavor from configuration
Flavor(String, NodeResources) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
Creates a *host* flavor for testing
Flavor.Type - Enum in com.yahoo.config.provision
flavorOverrides() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
from(int) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Group
from(ClusterSpec.Type, ClusterSpec.Id, ClusterSpec.Group, Version, boolean, Optional<ClusterSpec.Id>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
from(ClusterSpec, int) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
from(TenantName, ApplicationName, InstanceName) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzDomain
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzService
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.CloudName
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Id
from(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
from(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns the environment name from the string value returned by value()
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostName
Create a HostName with a given name
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName
from(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
from(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.TenantName
Create a TenantName with a given name.
from(String, Version) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
from(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
from(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostFilter
Returns a host filter from three comma and-or space separated string lists.
from(Collection<String>, Collection<String>, Collection<ClusterSpec.Type>, Collection<ClusterSpec.Id>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostFilter
Returns a host filter from three optional conditions
fromCount(int, NodeResources) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
Create a non-required, failable capacity request
fromCount(int, NodeResources, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
fromCount(int, Optional<NodeResources>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
fromLegacyName(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
Create this from serial form.
fromNodeCount(int) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
Creates this from a desired node count: The request may be satisfied with a smaller number of nodes.
fromRequiredNodeType(NodeType) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
Creates this from a node type
fromSerializedForm(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage


getBandwidthGbps() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
getDefault() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
getDefault() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
getDeployment(ApplicationId) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.InfraDeployer
getFlavor(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeFlavors
Returns a flavor by name, or empty if there is no flavor with this name and it cannot be created on the fly.
getFlavorOrThrow(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeFlavors
Returns the flavor with the given name or throws an IllegalArgumentException if it does not exist and cannot be created on the fly.
getFlavors() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeFlavors
getHosts() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AllocatedHosts
Returns the hosts of this allocation
getMinCpuCores() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
Returns the number of cores available in this flavor, not scaled for speed.
getMinDiskAvailableGb() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
getMinMainMemoryAvailableGb() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
getType() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
global() - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
Returns an application id where all fields are "*"
group() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
Returns the group within the cluster this specifies, or empty to specify the whole cluster


hasFastDisk() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AllocatedHosts
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzDomain
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzService
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.CloudName
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Group
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Id
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostName
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.TenantName
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
host - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
A host of a set of (Docker) tenant nodes
HostFilter - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A filter which matches a host depending on its properties.
HostLivenessTracker - Interface in com.yahoo.config.provision
Instances of this are used to keep track of (notify and query) which hosts are currently connected to the config system.
hostname() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
Returns the name identifying this host
hostname(String) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostFilter
Returns a filter which matches a given host only
HostName - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A host name
HostSpec - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
A specification of a host and its role.
HostSpec(String, ClusterMembership, Flavor, Optional<Version>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
HostSpec(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
HostSpec(String, List<String>, ClusterMembership) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
HostSpec(String, List<String>, Flavor) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
HostSpec(String, List<String>, Optional<Flavor>, Optional<ClusterMembership>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
HostSpec(String, List<String>, Optional<Flavor>, Optional<ClusterMembership>, Optional<Version>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
HostSpec(String, List<String>, Optional<Flavor>, Optional<ClusterMembership>, Optional<Version>, Optional<NetworkPorts>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
HostSpec(String, List<String>, Optional<Flavor>, Optional<ClusterMembership>, Optional<Version>, Optional<NetworkPorts>, Optional<NodeResources>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
HostSpec(String, Optional<ClusterMembership>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec


id() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
Returns the cluster id
Id(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Id
index() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
Returns the index of this node within the cluster
index() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Group
InfraDeployer - Interface in com.yahoo.config.provision
A deployer is used to deploy infrastructure applications.
instance() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
instanceName(InstanceName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId.Builder
instanceName(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId.Builder
InstanceName - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
Represents an applications instance name, which may be any kind of string or default.
isCd() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
Whether the system is used for continuous deployment.
isConfigured() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
True if this is a configured flavor used for hosts, false if it is a virtual flavor created on the fly from node resources
isContainer() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
Returns whether this runs a container cluster
isContent() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
Returns whether this runs a content cluster
isDefault() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName
isDefault() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.CloudName
isDefault() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName
isDefault() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
isDefault() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
isDefault() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName
isDocker() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
Convenience, returns getType() == Type.DOCKER_CONTAINER
isDockerHost() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
isExclusive() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
Returns whether the physical hosts running the nodes of this application can also run nodes of other applications.
isManuallyDeployed() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns whether deployments to this environment are done manually
isMultiRegion() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns whether this environment can exist in multiple regions
isProduction() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns whether this environment is production (prod)
isPublic() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
Whether the system is similar to Public, e.g.
isRequired() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
Returns whether the requested number of nodes must be met exactly for a request for this to succeed
isTest() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns whether this environment is for automated tests
isTester() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName


justNumbers() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
Returns this with disk speed and storage type set to any


key() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation


lastDeployTime(ApplicationId) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployer
Returns the time the current local active session was created, or empty if there is no local active session
lastRequestFrom(String) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.HostLivenessTracker
Returns the epoch timestamp of the last request received from the given hostname, or empty if there is no memory of this host making a request
local - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
log(Level, String) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.ProvisionLogger


main - com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
Production system
matches(String, String, Optional<ClusterMembership>) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostFilter
Returns true if this filter matches the given host properties
membership() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
Returns the membership of this host, or an empty value if not present
memoryGb() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources


name() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
Returns the unique identity of this flavor if it is configured, or the resource spec string otherwise
networkPorts() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
Returns the network port allocations on this host, or empty if not present
NetworkPorts - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
Models an immutable list of network port allocations
NetworkPorts(Collection<NetworkPorts.Allocation>) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts
NetworkPorts.Allocation - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
nodeCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
Returns the number of nodes requested
nodeFlavors() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Returns all available node flavors for the zone, or empty if not set for this Zone.
NodeFlavors - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
All the flavors configured in this zone (i.e this should be called HostFlavors).
NodeFlavors(FlavorsConfig) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeFlavors
nodeResources() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
Returns the resources requested for each node, or empty to leave this decision to provisioning
NodeResources - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
The node resources required by an application cluster
NodeResources(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
NodeResources(double, double, double, double, NodeResources.DiskSpeed) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
NodeResources(double, double, double, double, NodeResources.DiskSpeed, NodeResources.StorageType) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
NodeResources.DiskSpeed - Enum in com.yahoo.config.provision
NodeResources.StorageType - Enum in com.yahoo.config.provision
NodeType - Enum in com.yahoo.config.provision
The possible types of nodes in the node repository


OutOfCapacityException - Exception in com.yahoo.config.provision
Exception thrown when we are unable to fulfill the request due to having too few nodes (of the specified flavor)
OutOfCapacityException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.config.provision.OutOfCapacityException


ParentHostUnavailableException - Exception in com.yahoo.config.provision
Exception thrown when trying to activate a node that runs on a host that is not yet ready to run the node.
ParentHostUnavailableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.config.provision.ParentHostUnavailableException
perf - com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Environment used to run performance and stability experiments
port - Variable in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation
portSuffix - Variable in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation
prepare() - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployment
Prepares activation of this deployment.
prepare(ApplicationId, ClusterSpec, Capacity, int, ProvisionLogger) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Provisioner
Prepares allocation of a set of hosts with a given type, common id and the amount.
prod - com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
The environment in which any external or internal applications serve actual requests
Provisioner - Interface in com.yahoo.config.provision
Interface used by the config system to acquire hosts.
ProvisionLogger - Interface in com.yahoo.config.provision
Allows messages to be logged during provision which will be directed back to the party initiating the request.
proxy - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
Nodes running the shared proxy layer
proxyhost - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
A host of a (Docker) proxy node
Public - com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
System accessible to the public
PublicCd - com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
Continuous deployment system for testing the Public system


receivedRequestFrom(String) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.HostLivenessTracker
Called each time a config request is received from a client
region() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Returns the current region
RegionName - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
Represents an applications region, which may be any kind of string or default.
remote - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
remove(NestedTransaction, ApplicationId) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Provisioner
Transactionally remove this application.
repository() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
request(ClusterSpec.Type, ClusterSpec.Id, Version, boolean, Optional<ClusterSpec.Id>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
requestedResources() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
Returns the requested resources leading to this host being provisioned, or empty if not known
resources() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
restart(ApplicationId, HostFilter) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Provisioner
Requests a restart of the services of the given application
restart(HostFilter) - Method in interface com.yahoo.config.provision.Deployment
Request a restart of services of this application on hosts matching the filter.
retire() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
Returns a copy of this which is retired
retired() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
Returns whether the cluster should prepare for this node to be removed
retiredFrom(ClusterSpec, int) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership


satisfies(ClusterSpec) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
Returns whether this satisfies other for allocation purposes.
satisfies(NodeResources) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
Returns true if all the resources of this are the same or larger than the given resources
serializedForm() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
Returns a serialized form of the content of this: tenant:application:instance
serviceType - Variable in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation
size() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts
slow - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
staging - com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Production-like environment which runs staging tests before an app is deployed to production
storageType() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
stringValue() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
Returns all the information in this as a string which can be used to construct the same ClusterMembership instance using ClusterMembership.from(java.lang.String, com.yahoo.component.Version).
subtract(NodeResources) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
system() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Returns the current system
SystemName - Enum in com.yahoo.config.provision
Systems in hosted Vespa


tag() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
tagAsVersion() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
Returns the tag as Version, Version.emptyVersion if tag is not set
tenant - com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
A node to be assigned to a tenant to run application workloads
tenant() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
tenant(TenantName) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId.Builder
tenant(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId.Builder
TenantName - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
Represents a tenant in the provision API.
test - com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Environment for running system tests before an app is deployed to staging
toFullString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
Returns "dotted" string (tenant.application.instance) with instance name always included
toShortString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
Returns "dotted" string (tenant.application.instance) with instance name omitted if it is "default"
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AllocatedHosts
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationId
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzDomain
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzService
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.CloudName
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Group
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Id
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostName
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NetworkPorts.Allocation
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.TenantName
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
toStringValue() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
TransientException - Exception in com.yahoo.config.provision
A provisioning exception that is considered transient.
TransientException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.config.provision.TransientException
TransientException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.config.provision.TransientException
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Capacity
Returns the node type (role) requested.
type() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
Returns the cluster type


undefined - com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor.Type
unretire() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
Returns a copy of this node which is not retired


value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ApplicationName
value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzDomain
value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AthenzService
value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.CloudName
value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Id
value() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns a name of this which is used in external API's and stored in persistent stores
value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostName
value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.InstanceName
value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.RegionName
value() - Method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
value() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.TenantName
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Environment
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.DiskSpeed
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources.StorageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.config.provision.SystemName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vcpu() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
version() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
Returns the current version of Vespa running on this node, or empty if not known
vespaVersion() - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
Returns the version of Vespa that we want this cluster to run
VIRTUAL_MACHINE - com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor.Type


with(ClusterSpec) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterMembership
with(FlavorOverrides) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
with(NodeResources) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.Flavor
with(NodeResources.DiskSpeed) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
with(NodeResources.StorageType) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
with(Optional<ClusterSpec.Group>) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.ClusterSpec
withBandwidthGbps(double) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
withDiskGb(double) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
withDiskSpeed(NodeResources.DiskSpeed) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
withHosts(Set<HostSpec>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.AllocatedHosts
withMemoryGb(double) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources
withPorts(Optional<NetworkPorts>) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.HostSpec
withTag(Version) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.DockerImage
Returns the Docker image tagged with the given version
withVcpu(double) - Method in class com.yahoo.config.provision.NodeResources


Zone - Class in com.yahoo.config.provision
The zone (environment + region) of this runtime, and some other information.
Zone(ConfigserverConfig, NodeFlavors) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Zone(CloudName, SystemName, Environment, RegionName) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Create from cloud, system, environment and region.
Zone(Environment, RegionName) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Create from environment and region.
Zone(SystemName, Environment, RegionName) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.config.provision.Zone
Create from system, environment and region.
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