All Classes and Interfaces

Deserializes config payload (cfg format) to a ConfigPayload.
Contains info relevant for compression and decompression.
A ConfigKey that also uses the def MD5 sum.
Represents a higher level functionality on a config definition to (in the future) hide the InnerCNode class.
Represents one legal def file, or (internally) one array or inner array definition in a def file.
An array def is a ConfigDefinition with only one other type of scalar def.
A Default specification where instances _may_ have a default value.
The type is called 'double' in .def files, but it is a 64-bit IEE 754 double, which means it must be represented as a double in Java.
An InnerArray def is a ConfigDefinition with n scalar types of defs, and maybe sub-InnerArrays
Def of a myMap{} int.
A value which may be either an url or a path.
A ConfigDefinition that represents a struct, e.g.
Def of a myMap{}.myInt int.
String based ("untyped") type specification used by parser and arrays.
Builds a ConfigDefinition from a tree of CNodes.
A config definition key: name, namespace)
ConfigGetter<T extends>
Use config builders where possible
ConfigHandle<T extends>
A config handle represents one config in the context of one active subscription on a ConfigSubscriber.
Implements a config instance serializer, serializing a config instance to a slime object.
This exception is thrown when any blocking call within the Config API is interrupted.
ConfigKey<CONFIGCLASS extends>
Class for holding the key when doing cache look-ups and other management of config instances.
A config payload.
ConfigPayloadApplier<T extends>
A utility class that can be used to apply a payload to a config builder.
Helper class for building Slime config payloads, while supporting referring to payloads with their indices.
A config response encapsulates the payload and some meta information.
Config source as a programmatically built set of ConfigInstances
ConfigSetSubscription<T extends>
Subscription on a programmatically built set of configs
A type of source of config
An immutable set of connection endpoints, where each endpoint points to either a remote config server or a config proxy.
Used for subscribing to one or more configs.
ConfigSubscriber.SingleSubscriber<T extends>
Convenience interface for clients who only subscribe to one config.
The states of the subscriber.
ConfigSubscription<T extends>
Represents one active subscription to one config
ConfigSubscription.ConfigState<T extends>
ConfigTransformer<T extends>
A utility class that can be used to transform config from one format to another.
Workaround since FileAcquirer is in a separate module that depends on config.
A Config URI is a class that can be used to encapsulate a config source and a config id into one object to simplify parameter passing.
Utilities for mangling config text, finding checksums, finding name and namespace in .def files etc.
Applies default values of a given config definition to a slime payload.
Source specifying config from a local directory
FileConfigSubscription<T extends>
Subscription used when config id is file:...
Source specifying config from one local file
Interface for counters.
A generic config with an internal generic builder that mimics a real config builder in order to support builders when we don't have the schema.
A config handle which does not use the config class, but payload instead.
A subscriber that can subscribe without the class.
A JRT subscription which does not use the config class, but RawConfig instead.
Interface for getConfig requests.
JarConfigSubscription<T extends>
Subscription to use when config id is jar:.../foo.jar[!/pathInJar/]
Source specifying config as a jar file entry
Interface for config requests used by clients.
Represents version 3 config request for config clients.
Common interface for jrt config requests available both at server and client.
Requests configs using RPC, and acts as the callback target.
Keeps track of requesters per config subscriber
To hide JRT implementations.
JRTConfigSubscription<T extends>
A config subscription for a config instance, gets config using RPC from a config source (config proxy or config server).
A JRT connection to a config server or config proxy.
A pool of JRT connections to a config source (either a config server or a config proxy).
Defines methods used for RPC config requests.
Interface for config requests at the server end point.
The V3 config protocol implemented on the server side.
A client for generating load (config requests) against a config server or config proxy.
Wrapper for LZ4 compression that selects compression level based on properties.
For unit testing
An immutable config payload
Checksums of config definition payload or config payload, md5 and xxhash64 are the supported types at the moment.
Checksums for config payload, typically 1 for each PayloadChecksum type (md5 and xxhash64).
Encapsulates config, usually associated with a JRTConfigRequest.
RawConfigSubscription<T extends>
Subscription used when config id is raw:...
Source specifying raw config, where payload is given programmatically
Static utility methods for verifying common request properties.
Class for serializing config responses based on Slime implementing the ConfigResponse interface.
Deserializing from a Inspector (slime) representation to a TraceNode
Serialize a TraceNode to Slime.
/** A class for stress-testing config server and config proxy.
Thrown when ConfigSubscriber is closed
Tester interface for loadable test runners.
Timeouts, delays and retries used in RPC config protocol.
A trace utility that can serialize/deserialize to/from Slime
Used when a config model does not recognize a config id
A wrapper class for Vespa version