Interface GroupingParserConstants

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    GroupingParser, GroupingParserTokenManager

    public interface GroupingParserConstants
    Token literal values and constants. Generated by
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ACCURACY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ACOS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ACOSH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ADD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ALIAS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ALL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AND
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ARRAY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ASIN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ASINH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ATAN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ATANH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ATTRIBUTE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AVG
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int BUCKET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CAT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CBRT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COMMA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COS
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COSH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int COUNT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEBUGWAIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DECIMAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEFAULT
      Lexical state.
      static int DIV
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DOCIDNSSPECIFIC
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DOLLAR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DOT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EACH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EOF
      End of File.
      static int EQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EXPONENT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FALSE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FIXEDWIDTH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FLOAT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int FLOOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GROUP
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int GT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HEX
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HINT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int HYPOT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int IDENTIFIER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INFIX_ADD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INFIX_DIV
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INFIX_MOD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INFIX_MUL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INFIX_SUB
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int INTEGER
      RegularExpression Id.
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LBRACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LBRACKET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LCURLY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LOG
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LOG10
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LOG1P
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int LT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MATH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MAX
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MD5
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MIN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MOD
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int MUL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NEG
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NEGINF
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NORMALIZESUBJECT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int NOW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OCTAL
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ORDER
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int OUTPUT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int POW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PRECISION
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int PREDEFINED
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RBRACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RBRACKET
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RCURLY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int RELEVANCE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int REVERSE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SCOLON
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SIN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SINH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SIZE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SORT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SPACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SQRT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STDDEV
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STRCAT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STRLEN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUB
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SUMMARY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TAN
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TANH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_DATE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_DAYOFMONTH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_DAYOFWEEK
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_DAYOFYEAR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_HOUROFDAY
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_MINUTEOFHOUR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_MONTHOFYEAR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_SECONDOFMINUTE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TIME_YEAR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TODOUBLE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static java.lang.String[] tokenImage
      Literal token values.
      static int TOLONG
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TORAW
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TOSTRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int TRUE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int UCA
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int WHERE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int X
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int XOR
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int XORBIT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int Y
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ZCURVE
      RegularExpression Id.