All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractChoice |
Abstract superclass of various kinds of choices.
AbstractList |
AddFunction |
AggregatorNode |
AllOperation |
This is a grouping operation that processes the input list as a whole, as opposed to EachOperation which
processes each element of that list separately.
AndFunction |
AndItem |
An and'ing of a collection of sub-expressions
AndSegmentItem |
An immutable and'ing of a collection of sub-expressions.
AnnotateStringFieldPart |
AnnotationClass |
Annotations |
An annotation is a description of a an area of text, with a given class.
ArrayAtLookup |
AsyncExecution |
Provides asynchronous execution of searchchains.
AttributeFunction |
AttributeMapLookupValue |
AttributeValue |
AvgAggregator |
AvgFunction |
BackedOverridableQueryProfile |
A wrapper of a query profile where overrides to the values in the referenced
profile can be set.
BaseNodeMonitor<T> |
A node monitor is responsible for maintaining the state of a monitored node.
Binding |
An immutable binding of a set of dimensions to values.
BlockItem |
An interface used for anything which represents a single block of query input.
BoldCloseFieldPart |
Represents an element of a hit property which is markup, representing
end of a bolded area.
BoldOpenFieldPart |
Represents an element of a hit property which is markup representing
the start of a bolded area.
BooleanValue |
BoolId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a Boolean .
BoolItem |
A true/false term suitable for searching bool indexes.
BucketGroupId<T> |
This abstract class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a BucketValue .
BucketResolver |
BucketValue |
CacheControlSearcher |
Searcher that sets cache control HTTP headers in response based on query/GET parameters to
control caching done by proxy/caches such as YSquid and YTS:
max-age=XXX - set with &cachecontrol.maxage parameter
stale-while-revalidate=YYY - set with &cachecontrol.staleage
no-cache - if Vespa &noCache or &cachecontrol.nocache parameter is set to true
CatFunction |
ChainableComparator |
Superclass of hit comparators which delegates comparisons of hits which are
equal according to this comparator, to a secondary comparator.
Choice |
A choice between some alternative lists of page elements.
CloneHelper |
Extends with fastpath for
ClusterMonitor<T> |
Monitors of a cluster of remote nodes.
ClusterSearcher<T> |
Implements clustering (failover and load balancing) over a set of client
connections to a homogenuos cluster of nodes.
CommonFields |
CompiledQueryProfile |
A query profile in a state where it is optimized for fast lookups.
CompiledQueryProfileRegistry |
A set of compiled query profiles.
CompositeIndexedItem |
Common implementation for Item classes implementing the IndexedItem interface.
CompositeItem |
Superclass of expressions which contains a collection of sub-expressions
CompositeTaggableItem |
Common implementation for Item classes implementing the TaggableItem interface.
CompoundNameChildCache |
Cache for compound names created through CompoundName.append(String) .
ConfigurationException |
Thrown at events which are likely caused by misconfiguration
ConnectionControlSearcher |
Searcher which can enforce HTTP connection close based on query properties.
ConstantValue<T extends java.lang.Comparable> |
ConstantValueComparator |
This class compares two constant values, and takes into account that one of
the arguments may be the very special infinity value.
ContainerLatencySearcher |
Measure latency in container before query is sent to backend
Continuation |
This class represents a piece of data stored by the grouping framework within a grouping result, which can
subsequently be sent back along with the original request to navigate across a large result set.
CopyOnWriteContent |
A HashMap wrapper which can be cloned without copying the wrapped map.
CountAggregator |
Coverage |
The coverage report for a result set.
DateFunction |
DayOfMonthFunction |
DayOfWeekFunction |
DayOfYearFunction |
DebugWaitFunction |
DeepHitIterator |
An iterator for the forest of hits in a result.
DefaultErrorHit |
A hit which holds a list of error conditions in a result.
DefaultProperties |
Default values for properties that are meant to be customized in query profiles.
DeterministicResolver |
A resolver which
Always chooses the last alternative of any Choice
Always maps values to placeholders in the order they are listed in the map definition of any MapChoice
This is useful for testing.
DimensionalMap<VALUE> |
A map which may return different values depending on the values given in a context
supplied with the key on all operations.
DimensionalMap.Builder<VALUE> |
DimensionalValue<VALUE> |
Contains the values a given key in a DimensionalMap may take for different dimensional contexts.
DimensionalValue.Builder<VALUE> |
DimensionBinding |
An immutable, binding of a list of dimensions to dimension values
DimensionValues |
An immutable set of dimension values.
Diversity |
The diversity settings during match phase of a query.
Diversity.CutoffStrategy |
DivFunction |
DocIdNsSpecificValue |
DocumentValue |
DotProductItem |
A weighted set query item to be evaluated as a sparse dot product.
DoubleBucket |
DoubleBucketId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a DoubleBucket .
DoubleId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a Double .
DoublePredefined |
This class represents a predefined bucket-function in a GroupingExpression for expressions that evaluate to a
DoubleValue |
DumpTool |
A standalone tool for dumping query profile properties
EachOperation |
This is a grouping operation that processes each element of the input list separately, as opposed to AllOperation which processes that list as a whole.
ElapsedTime |
A collection of TimeTracker instances.
EmulationConfig |
This class represents the root node of emulation
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
EmulationConfig.Builder |
EmulationConfig.Producer |
EquivItem |
An Item where each child is an alternative which can be matched.
ErrorHit |
A hit which holds information on error conditions in a result.
ErrorMessage |
An error message with a code.
ExactStringItem |
Used to signal that this term requires exact match if the backend supports it.
Execution |
An execution of a search chain.
Execution.Context |
The execution context is the search chain's current view of the indexes,
search chain registrys, etc.
ExecutionFactory |
Provides creation of fully configured query Execution instances.
ExpressionVisitor |
FalseItem |
A query item which never matches.
FeatureData |
A wrapper for structured data representing feature values: A map of floats and tensors.
FederationConfig |
This class represents the root node of federation
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
FederationConfig.Builder |
FederationConfig.Producer |
FederationConfig.Target |
This class represents[]
FederationConfig.Target.Builder |
FederationConfig.Target.SearchChain |
This class represents[].searchChain[]
FederationConfig.Target.SearchChain.Builder |
FederationSearcher |
This searcher takes a set of sources, looks them up in config and fire off the correct searchchains.
FederationTarget<T> |
Represents a search chain that the federation searcher should send a query to,
along with a timeout and
custom data reserved for use by the TargetSelector.
FieldComparator |
Comparator used for ordering hits using the field values and a sorting specification.
FieldDescription |
A field description of a query profile type.
FieldIterator |
A specialized list iterator to manipulate FieldParts in HitField objects.
FieldPart |
Represents an element of a hit property
FieldType |
Superclass of query type field types.
FixedWidthFunction |
ForkingSearcher |
Searchers which invokes other search chains should override this.
ForkingSearcher.CommentedSearchChain |
A search chain with a comment about when it is used.
ForwardingSearcher |
A lightweight searcher to forward all incoming requests to a single search
chain defined in config.
Freshness |
The parameters for a freshness query (uses the datetime http parameter)
Parses the string part of the "datetime=<string>", converts it to seconds
since epoch and send that plus sets the flag in the QueryX packet that
enables freshnessboost in fsearch.
Fs4Config |
This class represents the root node of fs4
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
Fs4Config.Builder |
Fs4Config.Producer |
FunctionNode |
FutureResult |
Extends a FutureTask<Result> , with some added error handling
GenericExpansionRewriter |
This rewriter would add rewrites to entities (e.g abbreviation, synonym, etc)
to boost precision
- FSA dict: [normalized original query]\t[rewrite 1]\t[rewrite 2]\t[etc]
- Features:
RewritesAsUnitEquiv flag: add proximity boosted rewrites
PartialPhraseMatch flag: whether to match whole phrase or partial phrase
MaxRewrites flag: the maximum number of rewrites to be added
GeoLocationItem |
This represents a geo-location in the query tree.
Group |
This class represents a single group in the grouping result model.
GroupId |
This abstract class represents the id of a single group in the grouping result model.
GroupingExpression |
GroupingNode |
GroupingOperation |
This class represents a single node in a grouping operation tree.
GroupingQueryParser |
This searcher is responsible for turning the "select" parameter into a corresponding GroupingRequest .
GroupingRequest |
An instance of this class represents one of many grouping requests that are attached to a Query .
GroupingValidator |
This searcher ensure that all GroupingRequest objects attached to a Query makes sense to the search
cluster for which this searcher has been deployed.
GroupList |
This class represents a labeled group list in the grouping result model.
Hasher<T> |
A hasher load balances between a set of nodes, represented by object ids.
Hasher.NodeFactor<T> |
Hasher.NodeList<T> |
HasIndexItem |
An interface for items where it is useful to access an index name.
Highlight |
Class encapsulating information on extra highlight-terms for a query
Hit |
An item in the result of executing a query.
Hit.RawUtf8Consumer |
HitField |
Represents a tokenized string field in a Hit.
HitGroup |
A group of ordered hits.
HitGroupsLastComparator |
Ensures that HitGroups are placed last in the result.
HitIterator |
An iterator for the list of hits in a result.
HitList |
This class represents a labeled hit list in the grouping result model.
HitOrderer |
A class capable of ordering a list of hits
HitRenderer |
A helper for rendering grouping results.
HitSortOrderer |
A hit orderer which can be assigned to a HitGroup to keep that group's
hit sorted in accordance with the sorting specification given when this is created.
HourOfDayFunction |
HttpSearchResponse |
Wrap the result of a query as an HTTP response.
ImmutableFieldPart |
Represents an element of a hit property which is an immutable string element
Index |
Information about configured settings of a field or field collection (an actual index or not) in a search definition.
Index.Attribute |
IndexedItem |
Interface for Items that are indexed
IndexedSegmentItem |
Common implementation for Item classes implementing the IndexedItem interface.
IndexFacts |
A central repository for information about indices.
IndexModel |
Parameter class used for construction IndexFacts.
Infinite |
This class represents an Infinite value that may be used as a bucket
size specifier.
InfiniteValue |
InputCheckingSearcher |
Check whether the query tree seems to be "well formed".
Intent |
A representation of an intent behind a query.
IntentModel |
This is the root node of an intent model.
IntentNode |
An intent in an intent model tree.
InterpolatedLookup |
This class represents a lookup in a multivalue document
attribute in a GroupingExpression .
Interpretation |
An interpretation of a text.
InterpretationNode |
An interpretation which may have multiple intents.
IntItem |
This represents either
a number (integer or floating point)
a partial range, given by "<number" or ">number", where the numbers are exclusive, or
a full or open range "[number;number], "[number;]" or "[;number]" where the numbers are inclusive,
or exclusive if a square bracket is replaced with a pointy one
If a range is specified in brackets, it is also permissible to add a third number specifying the number of hits this
will match on each node - [from;to;hitLimit]
Item |
A term of the query language.
Item.ItemCreator |
The definitions in Item.ItemCreator must match the ones in
Item.ItemType |
The definitions in Item.ItemType must match the ones in
ItemHelper |
Helper functions for Item
JsonProducer |
Generic API for classes that contain data representable as JSON.
JsonRenderer |
JSON renderer for search results.
JsonRenderer.FieldConsumer |
Received callbacks when fields of hits are encountered.
JSONString |
A JSON wrapper.
Layout |
The layout of a section
Limit |
An immutable numeric range limit which can be inclusive or exclusive
Location |
Location data for a geographical query.
LongBucket |
LongBucketId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a LongBucket .
LongId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a Long .
LongPredefined |
This class represents a predefined bucket-function in a GroupingExpression for expressions that evaluate to a
LongValue |
MapChoice |
A choice between different possible mapping functions of a set of values to a set of placeholder ids.
MarkerWordItem |
Special words known by the index used for marking things.
MarkupFieldPart |
Represents an element of a hit property which is markup, not content.
Matching |
Holds the settings for the matching feature.
MatchPhase |
The match phase ranking settings of this query.
MathACosFunction |
MathACosHFunction |
MathASinFunction |
MathASinHFunction |
MathATanFunction |
MathATanHFunction |
MathCbrtFunction |
MathCosFunction |
MathCosHFunction |
MathExpFunction |
MathFloorFunction |
Represents the math.floor(expression) function
MathFunctions |
MathFunctions.Function |
Defines the different types of math functions that are available.
MathHypotFunction |
MathLog10Function |
MathLog1pFunction |
MathLogFunction |
MathPowFunction |
MathResolver |
This is a helper class for resolving arithmetic operations over GroupingExpression objects.
MathResolver.Type |
MathSinFunction |
MathSinHFunction |
MathSqrtFunction |
MathTanFunction |
MathTanHFunction |
MaxAggregator |
MaxFunction |
Md5Function |
MeasureQpsConfig |
This class represents the root node of measure-qps
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
MeasureQpsConfig.Builder |
MeasureQpsConfig.Outputmethod |
This class represents measure-qps.outputmethod
Configure measurements of peak QPS rates.
MeasureQpsConfig.Outputmethod.Enum |
MeasureQpsConfig.Producer |
MetaHitsFirstComparator |
Ensures that meta hits are sorted before normal hits.
MinAggregator |
MinFunction |
MinuteOfHourFunction |
MisspellRewriter |
This rewriter would retrieve spell corrected query from QLAS and
add it to the original query tree as equiv
- Features:
RewritesAsEquiv flag: add rewrites to original query as equiv
Model |
The parameters defining the recall of a query.
ModelObjectMap |
A map which stores all types which cannot be stored in a query profile
that is rich model objects.
ModFunction |
Modification |
A modification of a text.
MonitorConfiguration |
The configuration of a cluster monitor instance
MonthOfYearFunction |
MulFunction |
NameRewriter |
This rewriter would add rewrites to name entities to boost precision
- FSA dict: [normalized original query]\t[rewrite 1]\t[rewrite 2]\t[etc]
- Features:
OriginalAsUnit flag: add proximity boosting to original query
RewritesAsUnitEquiv flag: add proximity boosted rewrites to original query
RewritesAsEquiv flag: add rewrites to original query
NanNumber |
A class representing unset or undefined numeric values.
NearestNeighborItem |
Represent a query item matching the K nearest neighbors in a multi-dimensional vector space.
NearItem |
A set of terms which must be near each other to match.
NegFunction |
Node |
A node in the intent model tree
NodeManager<T> |
Must be implemented by a node collection which wants
it's node state monitored by a ClusterMonitor
NonReducibleCompositeItem |
A composite item which specifies semantics which are not maintained
if an instance with a single child is replaced by the single child.
NormalizeSubjectFunction |
NotItem |
A composite item where the first item is positive and the following
items are negative items which should be excluded from the result.
NowFunction |
NullId |
This class is in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to null.
NullItem |
A place holder for null queries to make searchers easier to write.
ONearItem |
Ordered NearItem.
OrFunction |
Organizer |
Reorganizes and prunes a result as prescribed by a resolved template.
OrItem |
An or'ing of a collection of sub-expressions
OverridableQueryProfile |
A regular query profile which knows it is storing overrides (not configured profiles)
and that implements override legality checking.
PageElement |
Implemented by all page template model classes
PageTemplate |
A page template represents a particular way to organize a result page.
PageTemplateConfigurer |
Provides a static method to convert a page template config into a PageTemplateRegistry.
PageTemplateRegistry |
PageTemplatesConfig |
This class represents the root node of page-templates
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
PageTemplatesConfig.Builder |
PageTemplatesConfig.Producer |
PageTemplateSearcher |
Enables page optimization templates.
PageTemplatesXmlRenderer |
PageTemplateVisitor |
Superclass of visitors over the page template object structure
PageTemplateXMLReader |
Reads all page template XML files from a given directory (or list of readers).
ParameterParser |
Wrapper class to avoid code duplication of common parsing requirements.
ParentNode<T extends Node> |
A node which is not a leaf in the intent tree
Parsable |
Parser |
Defines the interface of a query parser.
ParserEnvironment |
This class encapsulates the environment of a Parser .
ParserFactory |
Implements a factory for Parser .
PeakQpsSearcher |
Aggregate peak qps and expose through meta hits and/or log events.
PeakQpsSearcher.QpsHit |
Meta hit which carries the peak qps and mean qps since the last time this
data was requested.
PhaseNames |
Helper class for ordering searchers.
PhraseItem |
A term which contains a phrase - a collection of word terms
PhraseSegmentItem |
A term which contains a fixed length phrase, a collection of word terms,
resulting from a single segmentation operation.
Ping |
A ping, typically to ask whether backend is alive.
PingableSearcher |
A searcher to which we can send a ping to probe if it is alive
Placeholder |
A source placeholder is replaced with a list of source instances at evaluation time.
Pong |
An answer from Ping.
PositionsData |
A wrapper for structured data representing an array of position values.
PredefinedFunction |
PredicateQueryItem |
A PredicateQueryItem is a collection of feature/value-pairs
that are used to query predicate fields, which contains boolean
PredicateQueryItem.Entry |
PredicateQueryItem.EntryBase |
PredicateQueryItem.RangeEntry |
PrefixItem |
A word which matches beginnings of words instead of complete words
Presentation |
Parameters deciding how the result of a query should be presented
PrimitiveFieldType |
Represents a query field type which is a primitive - String, Integer, Float, Double or Long.
Properties |
Object properties keyed by name which can be looked up using default values and
with conversion to various primitive wrapper types.
PropertyAliases |
A properties implementation which translates the incoming name to its standard name
if it is a registered alias.
PropertyMap |
A Map backing of Properties.
ProviderConfig |
This class represents the root node of provider
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
ProviderConfig.Builder |
ProviderConfig.Node |
This class represents provider.node[]
ProviderConfig.Node.Builder |
ProviderConfig.PingOption |
This class represents provider.pingOption
How to do pinging against a backend.
ProviderConfig.PingOption.Enum |
ProviderConfig.Producer |
ProviderConfig.QueryType |
This class represents provider.queryType
The form of the serialized query.
ProviderConfig.QueryType.Enum |
ProviderConfig.Yca |
This class represents provider.yca
ProviderConfig.Yca.Builder |
PureWeightedInteger |
PureWeightedItem |
PureWeightedString |
Query |
A search query containing all the information required to produce a Result.
Query.Type |
The type of the query
QueryCanonicalizer |
Query normalizer and sanity checker.
QueryCanonicalizer.CanonicalizationResult |
QueryContext |
A proxy to the Execution.trace() which exists for legacy reasons.
QueryException |
QueryFieldType |
A YQL query template field type in a query profile
QueryProfile |
A query profile is a data container with an id and a class (type).
QueryProfileCompiler |
Compile a set of query profiles into compiled profiles.
QueryProfileFieldType |
Represents a query profile field type which is a reference to a query profile.
QueryProfileProperties |
Properties backed by a query profile.
QueryProfileRegistry |
A set of query profiles.
QueryProfileType |
Defines a kind of query profiles
QueryProfileTypeRegistry |
A registry of query profile types
QueryProfileVariant |
A variant of a query profile
QueryProfileVariants |
This class represent a set of query profiles virtually - rather
than storing and instantiating each profile this structure represents explicitly only
the values set in the various virtual profiles.
QueryProfileVariants.FieldValue |
QueryProfileVariants.FieldValues |
QueryProperties |
Maps between the query model and text properties.
QueryPropertyAliases |
Property aliases which contains some hardcoded unaliasing of prefixes of
rankfeature and rankproperty maps.
QueryRewriteSearcher |
A template class for all rewriters
QueryTree |
The root node of a query tree.
QueryValidator |
Validation of query operators against the schema which is searched
RandomResolver |
A resolver which makes all choices by random.
RangeItem |
This class represents a numeric range.
RankFeatures |
Contains the rank features of a query.
Ranking |
The ranking (hit ordering) settings of a query
RankItem |
Represents the rank operator, which only orders the result set and
does not change which hits are returned.
RankProperties |
Contains the properties properties of a query.
RateLimitingSearcher |
A simple rate limiter.
RawBucket |
RawBucketId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying
expression evaluated to a RawBucket .
RawBuffer |
This class represents a buffer of byte values to be used as a backing buffer
for raw buckets.
RawData |
A representation of some binary data with unknown semantics
RawId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a Byte array.
RawPredefined |
This class represents a predefined bucket-function in a GroupingExpression for expressions that evaluate to a
RawValue |
RegExpItem |
Match a field with the contained regular expression.
Relevance |
A relevance double value.
RelevanceValue |
Renderer |
A description of a way to present data items from a source.
Renderer |
Renders a search result to a writer synchronously
- the result is completely rendered when the render method returns.
RendererRegistry |
Holds all configured and built-in renderers.
RequestContextProperties |
Turns get(name) into get(name, request) using the request given at construction time.
Resolution |
A resolution of choices within a template.
Resolver |
Superclass of page template choice resolvers.
ResolverRegistry |
A registry of available resolver components
ResolversConfig |
This class represents the root node of resolvers
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
ResolversConfig.Builder |
ResolversConfig.Component |
This class represents resolvers.component[]
ResolversConfig.Component.Builder |
ResolversConfig.Producer |
Result |
The Result contains all the data produced by executing a Query: Some very limited global information, and
a single HitGroup containing hits of the result.
ReverseFunction |
RewriterConstants |
Contains common constant strings used by rewriters
RewriterFeatures |
Contains commonly used rewriter features
RewriterUtils |
Contains common utilities used by rewriters
RewritesConfig |
This class represents the root node of rewrites
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
RewritesConfig.Builder |
RewritesConfig.FsaDict |
This class represents rewrites.fsaDict[]
RewritesConfig.FsaDict.Builder |
RewritesConfig.Producer |
RootGroup |
This class represents the root Group in the grouping result model.
RootId |
SameElementItem |
This represents a query where all terms are required to match in the same element id.
SearchChain |
A named collection of searchers.
SearchChainDispatcherSearcher |
Execute rewriter search chain specified by the user.
SearchchainForwardConfig |
This class represents the root node of searchchain-forward
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
SearchchainForwardConfig.Builder |
SearchchainForwardConfig.Producer |
SearchChainRegistry |
Contains a reference to all currently known search chains.
SearchDefinition |
An object for storing information about search definitions in the centralized
directory services.
Searcher |
Superclass of all Components which produces Results in response to
Queries by calling the search method.
SearcherRegistry |
A registry of searchers.
SearchHandler |
Handles search request.
SearchResponse |
Some leftover static methods.
SearchWithRendererHandlerConfig |
This class represents the root node of search-with-renderer-handler
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
SearchWithRendererHandlerConfig.Builder |
SearchWithRendererHandlerConfig.Producer |
SecondOfMinuteFunction |
Section |
An element of a page template corresponding to a physical area of the layout of the final physical page.
SectionedRenderer<WRITER> |
Renders each part of a result to a writer.
SectionHitGroup |
A hit group corresponding to a section - contains some additional information
in proper getters and setters which is used during rendering.
SegmentingRule |
If a term has to be resegmented, and the result is more than one word, this
is how the result should be handled in the query tree.
SegmentItem |
An immutable and'ing of a collection of sub-expressions.
Select |
The parameters defining the where-clause and groping of a query
SelectParser |
The Select query language.
SeparatorFieldPart |
Represents an element of a hit property which is markup for
separating dynamic snippets.
SessionId |
An id which is unique across the cluster of nodes
SimpleIndexedItem |
Common implementation for Item classes implementing the IndexedItem interface.
SimpleTaggableItem |
Common implementation for Item classes implementing the TaggableItem interface.
SizeFunction |
SoftTimeout |
Settings for the soft-timeout feature.
SortFunction |
Sorting |
Specifies how a query is sorted by a list of fields with a sort order
Sorting.AttributeSorter |
Sorting.FieldOrder |
An attribute (field) and how it should be sorted
Sorting.LowerCaseSorter |
Sorting.Order |
Sorting.RawSorter |
Sorting.UcaSorter |
Sorting.UcaSorter.Strength |
Source |
A representation of a source.
Source |
A source mentioned in a page template.
SourceNode |
A source node in an intent model tree.
Span |
Span is a description of a part of a text, modeled as a tree.
StandardDeviationAggregator |
StrCatFunction |
StrictContractsConfig |
This class represents the root node of strict-contracts
Copyright 2017 Yahoo Holdings.
StrictContractsConfig.Builder |
StrictContractsConfig.Producer |
StrictContractsConfig.PropagateSourceProperties |
This class represents strict-contracts.propagateSourceProperties
EVERY, // Propagate any property starting by source.[sourceName] and provider.[providerName]
NATIVE, // Propagate native properties only
ALL, // Deprecated synonym of NATIVE
OFFSET_HITS, // Propagate offset ands hits only
NONE // propagate no properties
StrictContractsConfig.PropagateSourceProperties.Enum |
StringBucket |
StringBucketId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a StringBucket .
StringFieldPart |
Represents an element of a hit property which is a possibly
mutable string element
StringId |
This class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a String .
StringPredefined |
This class represents a predefined bucket-function in a GroupingExpression for expressions that evaluate to a
StringValue |
StrLenFunction |
StructuredData |
A wrapper for structured data representing feature values.
SubFunction |
SubProperties |
A wrapper around a chain of property objects that prefixes all gets/sets with a given path
SubstituteString |
A string which contains one or more elements of the form %{name},
where these occurrences are to be replaced by a query profile lookup on name.
SubstituteString.Component |
SubstituteString.PropertyComponent |
SubstituteString.RelativePropertyComponent |
A component where the value should be looked up in the profile containing the substitution field
rather than globally
SubstituteString.StringComponent |
Substring |
An substring which also provides access to the full (query) string it is a substring of.
SubstringItem |
A word that matches substrings of words
SuffixItem |
A word that matches a suffix of words instead of a complete word.
SumAggregator |
SummaryValue |
SyncDefaultRenderer |
SyncDefaultRenderer.RenderingVisitor |
TaggableItem |
An interface used for anything which may be addressed using an external,
unique ID in the query tree in the backend.
TaggableSegmentItem |
Common implementation for Item classes implementing the TaggableItem interface.
TargetSelector<T> |
Allows adding extra targets that the federation searcher should federate to.
TensorFieldType |
A tensor field type in a query profile
TermItem |
Superclass of "leaf" conditions containing a single entity which is either matched in a field or not.
TermType |
A term type enumeration
TextSerialize |
TimeFunctions |
TimeFunctions.Type |
Defines the different types of timestamps-functions that are available.
TimeoutException |
Thrown on timeouts
TimeTracker |
A container for storing time stamps throughout the lifetime of an Execution instance.
TimeTracker.Activity |
TimingSearcher |
A searcher which is intended to be useful as a general probe for
measuring time consumption a search chain.
TimingSearcher.Parameters |
TimingSearcherConfig |
This class represents the root node of timing-searcher
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TimingSearcherConfig.Builder |
TimingSearcherConfig.Producer |
TimingSearcherConfig.Timer |
This class represents timing-searcher.timer[]
TimingSearcherConfig.Timer.Builder |
TimingSearcherConfig.Timer.Measure |
This class represents timing-searcher.timer[].measure
TimingSearcherConfig.Timer.Measure.Enum |
ToDoubleFunction |
TokenFieldIterator |
A specialized list iterator to manipulate tokens in HitField objects.
ToLongFunction |
ToolBox |
Query tree helper methods and factories.
ToolBox.QueryVisitor |
ToRawFunction |
ToStringFunction |
TrafficNodeMonitor<T> |
This node monitor is responsible for maintaining the state of a monitored node.
UcaFunction |
UnavailableAttributeException |
UniqueGroupingSearcher |
Implements 'unique' using a grouping expression.
UniqueRequestId |
A query id which is unique across this cluster - consisting of
container runtime id + timestamp + serial.
UriItem |
An item matching a uri field.
ValidateMatchPhaseSearcher |
Validates that the attribute given as match-phase override is actually a valid numeric attribute
with fast-search enabled.
ValidateNearestNeighborSearcher |
Validates any NearestNeighborItem query items.
ValueGroupId<T> |
This abstract class is used in Group instances where the identifying expression evaluated to a singe value.
ValueWithSource |
A value in a query profile with information about its source.
WandItem |
A weighted set query item to be evaluated as a Wand with dot product scoring.
WeakAndItem |
Weak And of a collection of sub-expressions:
this behaves like an OR unless many hits are returned and then
it starts acting more like an AND.
WeightedSetItem |
A term which contains a weighted set.
WordAlternativesItem |
A set of words with differing exactness scores to be used for literal boost ranking.
WordAlternativesItem.Alternative |
WordItem |
A simple word or token to match in some field.
XmlProducer |
Generic API for classes that contain data representable as XML.
XmlRenderer |
Utility class for converting accessible data into the historical "prelude" xml format.
XmlRenderer |
XML rendering of search results.
XmlRenderer.RenderingVisitor |
XMLString |
A representation of an XML chunk.
XorAggregator |
XorBitFunction |
XorFunction |
YearFunction |
ZCurveXFunction |
ZCurveYFunction |