Class JuniperSearcher

  • All Implemented Interfaces:,, Comparable<>

    public class JuniperSearcher
    extends Searcher
    Converts juniper highlighting to XML style

    Note: This searcher only converts backend binary highlighting and separators to the configured highlighting and separator tags.

    Steinar Knutsen
    • Constructor Detail

      • JuniperSearcher

        public JuniperSearcher​( id,
    • Method Detail

      • search

        public Result search​(Query query,
                             Execution execution)
        Convert Juniper style property highlighting to XML style.
        Specified by:
        search in class Searcher
        query - the query
        the result of making this query
      • fill

        public void fill​(Result result,
                         String summaryClass,
                         Execution execution)
        Description copied from class: Searcher
        Fill hit properties with data using the given summary class. Calling this on already filled results has no cost.

        This needs to be overridden by federating searchers to contact search sources again by propagating the fill call down through the search chain, and by source searchers which talks to fill capable backends to request the data to be filled. Other searchers do not need to override this.

        fill in class Searcher
        result - the result to fill
        summaryClass - the name of the collection of fields to fetch the values of, or null to use the default