Class Annotations

  • public class Annotations
    extends Object
    An annotation is a description of a an area of text, with a given class. For example, an annotation for the
    Arne Bergene Fossaa
    • Constructor Detail

      • Annotations

        public Annotations​(Span span)
    • Method Detail

      • put

        public void put​(String key,
                        Object o)
        Adds an annotation to the the the set of annotations.
      • getSpan

        public Span getSpan()
        The span that this annotation is for.
      • getSubString

        public String getSubString()
        The text this annotation is for.
      • getDouble

        public Double getDouble​(String key)
        Helper function to get a Double annotation.

        This function first checks if the Object in a map is a Number, and then calls doubleValue() on it If it is not, then Double.parseDouble() is called on the string representation of the object. If the string is not parseable as a double, a NumberFormatException is thrown.

      • getString

        public String getString​(String key)
        Helper function to get a String from the Annotation. This function will simply call toString() on the object saved in the Annotation or return null if the object is null;
      • getInteger

        public Integer getInteger​(String key)
        Helper function to get a Double annotation.

        This function first checks if the Object in a map is a Number, and intValue() is called on it. If it is not, then Double.parseDouble() is called on the string representation of the object. If the string is not parseable as a double, a NumberFormatException is thrown.

      • getBoolean

        public Boolean getBoolean​(String key)
        Helper function to get a Boolean annotation.