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AbstractConcreteDocumentFactory - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
Subtyped by factory classes for concrete document types.
AbstractConcreteDocumentFactory() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.AbstractConcreteDocumentFactory
Accesses - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.docproc
Docprocs tagged with this will read and/or write annotations on the given field(s).
Accesses.Field - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.docproc
Describes the annotations produced and consumed on one field in a document
Accesses.Field.Tree - Annotation Type in com.yahoo.docproc
Describes the annotations produced and consumed in one tree on a field
addAfter(Call, Call) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds an element just after the first occurence of some other element on the stack.
addAfter(Call, CallStack) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds multiple elements just after another given element on the stack.
addAfter(Call, DocumentProcessor) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds an element just after the first occurence of some other element on the stack.
addBefore(Call, Call) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds an element just before the first occurence of some other element on the stack.
addBefore(Call, CallStack) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds multiple elements just before the first occurence of some element on the stack.
addBefore(Call, DocumentProcessor) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds an element just before the first occurence of some element on the stack.
addDocumentOperation(DocumentOperation) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
addLast(Call) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds an element as the last element on this stack
addLast(CallStack) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds multiple elements as the last elements on this stack
addLast(DocumentProcessor) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Adds an element as the last element on this stack
addNext(Call) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Push an element as the next element on this stack
addNext(CallStack) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Push multiple elements as the next elements on this stack
addNext(DocumentProcessor) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Push an element as the next element on this stack
annotations() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.docproc.Accesses.Field
The trees of annotations that this docproc accesses on this field
annotationTypes() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.AbstractConcreteDocumentFactory


call(Processing) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
Call the DocumentProcessor of this call.
Call - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
A document processor to call - an item on a CallStack.
Call(DocumentProcessor) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
Call(DocumentProcessor, Statistics, Metric) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
Creates a new call to a processor with no arguments.
Call(DocumentProcessor, String, Statistics, Metric) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
callStack() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Returns the processors to call in this processing
CallStack - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
A stack of the processors to call next in this processing.
CallStack() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
CallStack(CallStack) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Creates a stack from another stack (starting at the next of the given callstack) This does a deep copy of the stack.
CallStack(Statistics, Metric) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Creates an empty stack
CallStack(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
CallStack(String, Statistics, Metric) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Creates an empty stack with a name
CallStack(String, Collection<DocumentProcessor>, Statistics, Metric) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Creates a stack (with a given name) based on a collection of document processors, which are added to the stack in the iteration order of the collection.
clear() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
clearVariables() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Clears all context variables that have been set
clone() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
com.yahoo.docproc - package com.yahoo.docproc
com.yahoo.docproc.util - package com.yahoo.docproc.util
configDoc(DocumentProcessor, DocumentPut) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
The Document object the proc should work on.
consumes() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.docproc.Accesses.Field.Tree
The annotation types that this docproc requires in this tree
contains(Call) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns whether this stack has this call (left)
createProcessingFromDocumentOperations(String, List<DocumentOperation>, CallStack) - Static method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing


dataType() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.docproc.Accesses.Field
The datatype of the field
deconstruct() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
DEFAULT_LATER_DELAY - Static variable in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.LaterProgress
description() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.docproc.Accesses.Field
DocprocExecutor - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
An executor executed incoming processings on its CallStack
DocprocExecutor(DocprocExecutor, CallStack) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocExecutor
Creates a new named DocprocExecutor, with the same instance variables as the given executor, but a new call stack.
DocprocExecutor(String, CallStack) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocExecutor
Creates a new named DocprocExecutor with the given CallStack.
DocprocService - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
The document processing service.
DocprocService(ComponentId) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
DocprocService(ComponentId, CallStack, DocumentTypeManager) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
DocprocService(ComponentId, CallStack, DocumentTypeManager, int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Creates a new docproc service, which is set to be in service.
DocprocService(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Creates a service with a name with an unbounded input queue.
DocumentOperationWrapper - Interface in com.yahoo.docproc
DocumentProcessor - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
A document processor is a component which performs some operation on a document or document update.
DocumentProcessor() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor
DocumentProcessor.LaterProgress - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
DocumentProcessor.Progress - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
An enumeration of possible results of calling a process method
documentTypes() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.AbstractConcreteDocumentFactory
DONE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
Returned by a processor when it is done with a processing
doWork() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Do some work in this service.
doWorkBlocking() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Do some work in this service.


equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress


FAILED - Static variable in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
Returned by a processor when a processing has failed and it should not be called again for this processing.
findCall(ComponentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns the next call to this processor id, or null if no such calls are left
findCall(DocumentProcessor) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns the next call to this processor, or null if no such calls are left


getCallStack() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocExecutor
getCallStack() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Returns the processing chain of this service.
getDelay() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.LaterProgress
getDocMap(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor
getDocprocServiceRegistry() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
getDocumentCopy(String, StructuredFieldValue, DocumentId) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.AbstractConcreteDocumentFactory
Used by the docproc framework to get an instance of a concrete document type without resorting to reflection in a bundle
getDocumentOperations() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
getDocumentProcessor() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
Returns the processor to call.
getDocumentProcessorId() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
Returns the ID of the processor to call.
getDocumentTypeManager() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
getExecutor() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Returns the DocprocExecutor of this DocprocService.
getFieldMap() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor
Schema map for field names (doctype,from)→to
getLastPopped() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns the element that was last popped from this stack, or null if none have been popped or the stack is empty
getMetric() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
getName() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns the name of this stack, or null if it is not named
getName() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocExecutor
getName() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
getQueueSize() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
getReason() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
getService() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Convenience method for looking up and returning the service processing this.
getServiceName() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Returns the name of the service processing this.
getStatistics() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
getThreadPoolExecutor() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
getVariable(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Returns a context variable, or null if it is not set
getVariableAndNameIterator() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Returns an iterator of all context variables that are set
getWrappedDocumentOperation() - Method in interface com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentOperationWrapper


HandledProcessingException - Exception in com.yahoo.docproc
Exception generated by known bad input in a docproc.
HandledProcessingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.docproc.HandledProcessingException
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
hasVariable(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Returns true if this variable is present, even if it is null


isAcceptingNewProcessings() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Returns true if this service currently accepts new incoming processings via process(...). Default is true.
isInService() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Returns true if this is currently processing incoming processings (in service), or false if they are just queued up (out of service).
iterator() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns a modifiable ListIterator over all the remaining elements of this stack, starting by the next element


JoinerDocumentProcessor - Class in com.yahoo.docproc.util
JoinerDocumentProcessor(SplitterJoinerDocumentProcessorConfig, DocumentmanagerConfig) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.util.JoinerDocumentProcessor


later(long) - Static method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
LATER - Static variable in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
Returned by a processor when it should be called again later for the same processing


name() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.docproc.Accesses.Field
The name of the document field
name() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.docproc.Accesses.Field.Tree
The name of the tree


of(DocumentOperation) - Static method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Create a Processing from the given document operation
optionallyUpgrade(Field, FieldValue) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.AbstractConcreteDocumentFactory
If the FieldValue is a StructuredFieldValue it will upgrade to the concrete type


peek() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns the next element without removing it, or null if there are no more elements
PERMANENT_FAILURE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
Returned by a processor when processing has permanently failed, so that the document processing service should disable itself until reconfigured or restarted.
pop() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns and removes the next element, or null if there are no more elements
process(Processing) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocExecutor
Processes a given Processing through the CallStack of this executor.
process(Processing) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Asynchronously process the given Processing using the processing chain of this service
process(Processing) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor
Processes a processing, which can contain zero or more document bases.
process(Processing) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.SimpleDocumentProcessor
Simple process() that follows the official guidelines for looping over DocumentOperations, and then calls the appropriate, overloaded process() depending on the type of base.
process(Processing) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.util.JoinerDocumentProcessor
process(Processing) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.util.SplitterDocumentProcessor
process(Processing, ProcessingEndpoint) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Asynchronously process the given Processing using the processing chain of this service, and call the specified ProcessingEndpoint when done.
process(DocumentOperation) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Asynchronously process the given document operation using the processing chain of this service.
process(DocumentOperation, ProcessingEndpoint) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Asynchronously process the given document put or document update using the processing chain of this service, and call the specified ProcessingEndpoint when done.
process(DocumentPut) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.SimpleDocumentProcessor
Override this to process DocumentPuts.
process(DocumentRemove) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.SimpleDocumentProcessor
Override this to process DocumentRemoves.
process(DocumentUpdate) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.SimpleDocumentProcessor
Override this to process DocumentUpdates.
processDocumentOperations(List<DocumentOperation>) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Asynchronously process the given document operations as one unit using the processing chain of this service.
processDocumentOperations(List<DocumentOperation>, ProcessingEndpoint) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Asynchronously process the given document operations as one unit using the processing chain of this service, and call the specified ProcessingEndpoint when done.
Processing - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
A document processing.
Processing() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Create a Processing with no documents.
Processing(String, DocumentOperation, CallStack) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Create a processing with one document.
processingDone(Processing) - Method in interface com.yahoo.docproc.ProcessingEndpoint
ProcessingEndpoint - Interface in com.yahoo.docproc
processingFailed(Processing, Exception) - Method in interface com.yahoo.docproc.ProcessingEndpoint
processUntilDone(Processing) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocExecutor
Processes a given Processing through the CallStack of this executor.
produces() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.docproc.Accesses.Field.Tree
The annotation types that this docproc writes in this tree
Progress(String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
Progress(String, String) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress


remove(Call) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Removes the given call.
removeVariable(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing


schemaMap - Static variable in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
setAcceptingNewProcessings(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Sets whether this service should accept new incoming processings via process(...).
setCallStack(CallStack) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Sets a new processing stack for this service.
setDocprocServiceRegistry(ComponentRegistry<DocprocService>) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
setDocumentTypeManager(DocumentTypeManager) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
setFieldMap(Map<Pair<String, String>, String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor
Sets the schema map for field names
setInService(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocprocService
Sets whether this should currently perform any processing.
setName(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Sets the name of this stack
setServiceName(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Sets the name of the service processing this.
setVariable(String, Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
Sets a context variable.
SimpleDocumentProcessor - Class in com.yahoo.docproc
Simple layer on top of DocumentProcessor, in order to make docproc development more user friendly and to the point.
SimpleDocumentProcessor() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.SimpleDocumentProcessor
size() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
Returns the number of remaining elements in this stack
SplitterDocumentProcessor - Class in com.yahoo.docproc.util
SplitterDocumentProcessor(SplitterJoinerDocumentProcessorConfig, DocumentmanagerConfig) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.docproc.util.SplitterDocumentProcessor
structTypes() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.AbstractConcreteDocumentFactory


toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Call
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.CallStack
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.Processing
TransientFailureException - Exception in com.yahoo.docproc
Exception to be thrown by a document processor on transient failures.
TransientFailureException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.docproc.TransientFailureException


value() - Method in annotation type com.yahoo.docproc.Accesses


withReason(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.docproc.DocumentProcessor.Progress
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