Interface StateParserConstants

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    StateParser, StateParserTokenManager

    public interface StateParserConstants
    Token literal values and constants. Generated by
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int ALPHANUM
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int AND
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int ARG
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int CODE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DEFAULT
      Lexical state.
      static int DOT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int DOTDOT
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int EOF
      End of File.
      static int EQ
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SLASH
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int SPACE
      RegularExpression Id.
      static int STRING
      RegularExpression Id.
      static String[] tokenImage
      Literal token values.
      static int WHITESPACE
      RegularExpression Id.