Class VisitorControlHandler

  • public class VisitorControlHandler
    extends Object
    A class for controlling a visitor supplied through visitor parameters when creating the visitor session. The class defines callbacks for reporting progress and that the visitor is done. If you want to reimplement the default behavior of those callbacks, you can write your own subclass.
    HÃ¥kon Humberset
    • Constructor Detail

      • VisitorControlHandler

        public VisitorControlHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public void reset()
        Called before the visitor starts. Override this method if you need to reset local data. Remember to call the superclass' method as well.
      • onProgress

        public void onProgress​(ProgressToken token)
        Callback called when progress has changed.
        token - the most recent progress token for this visitor
      • onVisitorError

        public void onVisitorError​(String message)
        Callback for visitor error messages.
        message - the error message
      • onVisitorStatistics

        public void onVisitorStatistics​( vs)
        Callback for visitor statistics updates.
        vs - The current statistics for this visitor.
      • hasVisitedAnyBuckets

        public boolean hasVisitedAnyBuckets()
        Returns true iff the statistics reported by the visiting session indicates at least one bucket has been completely visited. Not thread safe, so should only be called on a quiescent session after waitUntilDone has completed successfully.
      • onDone

        public void onDone​(VisitorControlHandler.CompletionCode code,
                           String message)
        Callback called when the visitor is done.
        code - the completion code
        message - an optional error message
      • setSession

        public void setSession​(VisitorControlSession session)
        session - the visitor session used for this visitor
      • getProgress

        public ProgressToken getProgress()
        Retrieves the last progress token gotten for this visitor. If visitor has not been started, returns null.
      • getVisitorStatistics

        public getVisitorStatistics()
      • isDone

        public boolean isDone()
        True if the visiting is done (either by error or success).
      • waitUntilDone

        public boolean waitUntilDone​(Duration timeout)
                              throws InterruptedException
        Waits until visiting is done, or the given timeout (in ms) expires. Will wait forever if timeout is 0.
        timeout - Maximum time duration to wait before returning.
        True if visiting is done (either by error or success), false if session has timed out.
        InterruptedException - If an interrupt signal was received while waiting.
      • waitUntilDone

        public boolean waitUntilDone​(long timeoutMs)
                              throws InterruptedException
        Waits until visiting is done, or the given timeout (in ms) expires. Will wait forever if timeout is 0.
        timeoutMs - The maximum amount of milliseconds to wait.
        True if visiting is done (either by error or success), false if session has timed out.
        InterruptedException - If an interrupt signal was received while waiting. TODO deprecate this in favor of waitUntilDone(Duration)
      • waitUntilDone

        public void waitUntilDone()
                           throws InterruptedException
        Waits until visiting is done. Session timeout implicitly completes the visitor session, but will set an unsuccessful result code.
        InterruptedException - If an interrupt signal was received while waiting.
      • abort

        public void abort()
        Abort this visitor