Class ContentPolicy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ContentPolicy
    extends SlobrokPolicy
    Routing policy to determine which distributor in a content cluster to send data to. Using different key=value parameters separated by semicolon (";"), the user can control which cluster to send to. cluster=[clusterName] (Mandatory, determines the cluster name) config=[config] (Optional, a comma separated list of config servers to use. Used to talk to clusters not defined in this vespa application) clusterconfigid=[id] (Optional, use given config id for distribution instead of default)
    Haakon Humberset
    • Constructor Detail

      • ContentPolicy

        public ContentPolicy​(String param,
        Constructor used in production.
      • ContentPolicy

        public ContentPolicy​(ContentPolicy.Parameters p)
        Constructor specifying a bit more in detail, so we can override what needs to be overridden in tests
    • Method Detail

      • select

        public void select​( context)
      • merge

        public void merge​( context)
      • destroy

        public void destroy()