Class GetBucketStateReply

  • public class GetBucketStateReply
    extends DocumentReply
    This is a reply to a GetBucketStateMessage. It contains the state of the bucket id requested by the message.
    Simon Thoresen Hult
    • Constructor Detail

      • GetBucketStateReply

        public GetBucketStateReply()
        Constructs a new reply with no content.
      • GetBucketStateReply

        public GetBucketStateReply​(List<DocumentState> state)
        Constructs a new reply with initial content.
        state - The state to set.
    • Method Detail

      • setBucketState

        public void setBucketState​(List<DocumentState> state)
        Sets the bucket state of this.
        state - The state to set.
      • getBucketState

        public List<DocumentState> getBucketState()
        Returns the bucket state contained in this.
        The state object.