Interface VisitorControlSession

All Known Subinterfaces:
VisitorDestinationSession, VisitorSession
All Known Implementing Classes:
LocalVisitorSession, MessageBusVisitorDestinationSession, MessageBusVisitorSession

public interface VisitorControlSession
Superclass for document visiting functionality - accessing documents in an order decided by the document repository. This allows much higher read throughput than random access.

The class supplies an interface for functions that are common for different kinds of visitor sessions, such as acking visitor data and aborting the session.

HÃ¥kon Humberset
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Aborts the session.
    ack(AckToken token)
    Acknowledges a response previously retrieved by the getNext method.
    Destroys this session and frees up any resources it has held.
    Returns the next response of this session.
    getNext(int timeoutMilliseconds)
    Returns the next response of this session.
  • Method Details

    • ack

      void ack(AckToken token)
      Acknowledges a response previously retrieved by the getNext method.
      token - The ack token. You must get this from the visitor response returned by the getNext method.
    • abort

      void abort()
      Aborts the session.
    • getNext

      VisitorResponse getNext()
      Returns the next response of this session. This method returns immediately.
      the next response, or null if no response is ready at this time
    • getNext

      VisitorResponse getNext(int timeoutMilliseconds) throws InterruptedException
      Returns the next response of this session. This will block until a response is ready or until the given timeout is reached
      timeoutMilliseconds - the max time to wait for a response. If the number is 0, this will block without any timeout limit
      the next response, or null if no response becomes ready before the timeout expires
      InterruptedException - if this thread is interrupted while waiting
    • destroy

      void destroy()
      Destroys this session and frees up any resources it has held.