Interface AsyncSession

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
LocalAsyncSession, MessageBusAsyncSession

public interface AsyncSession extends Session

A session for asynchronous access to a document repository. This class provides document repository writes and random access with high throughput.

All operations which are accepted by an async session will cause one or more responses to be returned within the timeout limit. When an operation fails, the response will contain the argument which was submitted to the operation.

  • Method Details

    • put

      Result put( document)

      Puts a document. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentResponse objects to appear within the timeout time of this session. The response returned later will either be a success, or contain the document submitted here. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      document - the Document to put
      the synchronous result of this operation
    • put

      default Result put( documentPut)

      Puts a document, with optional conditions on the operation. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentResponse objects to appear within the timeout time of this session. The response returned later will either be a success, or contain the document submitted here. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      documentPut - the DocumentPut to perform
      the synchronous result of this operation
    • put

      default Result put( documentPut, DocumentOperationParameters parameters)

      Puts a document, with optional conditions on the operation. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentResponse objects to appear within the timeout time of this session. The response returned later will either be a success, or contain the document submitted here. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      documentPut - the DocumentPut to perform
      parameters - parameters for the operation
      the synchronous result of this operation
    • get

      Result get( id)

      Gets a document. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentResponse objects to appear within the timeout time of this session. The response returned later will contain the requested document if it is a success. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      id - the id of the document to get
      the synchronous result of this operation
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this access implementation does not support retrieving
    • get

      default Result get( id, DocumentOperationParameters parameters)

      Gets a document. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentResponse objects to appear within the timeout time of this session. The response returned later will contain the requested document if it is a success. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      id - the id of the document to get
      parameters - parameters for the operation
      the synchronous result of this operation
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this access implementation does not support retrieving
    • remove

      Result remove( id)

      Removes a document if it is present. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more RemoveResponse objects to appear within the timeout time of this session. The response returned later will either be a success, or contain the document id submitted here. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      id - the id of the document to remove
      the synchronous result of this operation
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this access implementation does not support removal
    • remove

      default Result remove( id, DocumentOperationParameters parameters)

      Removes a document if it is present. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentIdResponse objects to appear within the timeout time of this session. The response returned later will either be a success, or contain the document id submitted here. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      id - the id of the document to remove
      parameters - parameters for the operation
      the synchronous result of this operation
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this access implementation does not support removal
    • remove

      default Result remove( remove, DocumentOperationParameters parameters)

      Removes a document if it is present. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentIdResponse objects to appear within the timeout time of this session. The response returned later will either be a success, or contain the document id submitted here. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      remove - the document remove operation
      parameters - parameters for the operation
      the synchronous result of this operation
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this access implementation does not support removal
    • update

      Result update( update)

      Updates a document. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentUpdateResponse within the timeout time of this session. The returned response returned later will either be a success or contain the update submitted here. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      update - the updates to perform
      the synchronous result of this operation
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this access implementation does not support update
    • update

      default Result update( update, DocumentOperationParameters parameters)

      Updates a document. This method returns immediately.

      If this result is a success, this call will cause one or more DocumentUpdateResponse within the timeout time of this session. The returned response returned later will either be a success or contain the update submitted here. If it was not a success, this method has no further effects.

      update - the updates to perform
      parameters - parameters for the operation
      the synchronous result of this operation
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this access implementation does not support update
    • getCurrentWindowSize

      double getCurrentWindowSize()
      Returns the current send window size of the session.
      Returns the window size.