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AbstractClientProvider - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.service
This is a convenient parent class for ClientProvider with default implementations for all but the essential RequestHandler.handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler) method.
AbstractClientProvider() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.service.AbstractClientProvider
AbstractRequestHandler - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides an abstract RequestHandler implementation with reasonable defaults for everything but RequestHandler.handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler).
AbstractRequestHandler() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.AbstractRequestHandler
AbstractResource - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc
This class provides a thread-safe implementation of the SharedResource interface, and should be used for all subclasses of RequestHandler, ClientProvider and ServerProvider.
AbstractResource() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.AbstractResource
AbstractServerProvider - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.service
This is a convenient parent class for ServerProvider with default implementations for all but the essential ServerProvider.start() and ServerProvider.close() methods.
AbstractServerProvider(CurrentContainer) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.service.AbstractServerProvider
ACCEPTED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
activateContainer(ContainerBuilder) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
add(String, Number, Metric.Context) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Metric
Add to a metric value.
add(String, Number, Metric.Context) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.MockMetric
add(String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Adds the given value to the entry of the specified key.
add(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Adds the given values to the entry of the specified key.
addAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Adds all the entries of the given map to this.
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureConjunction
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
addOperand(ListenableFuture<Boolean>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureConjunction
Adds a ListenableFuture<Boolean> to this conjunction.
advance(Duration) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
advanceMillis(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
advanceMinutes(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
advanceSeconds(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
allowDuplicateBundles(Collection<Bundle>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
application() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Returns the Application loaded by this TestDriver.
available() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel
Returns a lower-bound estimate on the number of bytes available to be ReadableContentChannel.read() without blocking.
available() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream
awaitClose(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Waits for shut down of this TestDriver to complete.


BAD_GATEWAY - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
BAD_REQUEST - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
4xx: Client Error - The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
BindingNotFoundException - Exception in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This exception is used to signal that no binding was found for the URI of a given Request.
BindingNotFoundException(URI) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BindingNotFoundException
Constructs a new instance of this class with a detail message that contains the URI that has no binding.
bindingSet() - Method in exception com.yahoo.jdisc.service.BindingSetNotFoundException
Returns the name of the BindingSet that was not found.
BindingSetNotFoundException - Exception in com.yahoo.jdisc.service
This exception is used to signal that a named BindingSet was not found.
BindingSetNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.jdisc.service.BindingSetNotFoundException
Constructs a new instance of this class with a detail message that contains the name of the BindingSet that was not found.
BlockingContentWriter - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides a blocking write-interface to a ContentChannel.
BlockingContentWriter(ContentChannel) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BlockingContentWriter
Creates a new BlockingContentWriter that encapsulates a given ContentChannel.
bootstrapLoader() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Returns the BootstrapLoader used by this TestDriver.
BufferedContentChannel - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class implements an unlimited, non-blocking content queue.
BufferedContentChannel() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BufferedContentChannel
bundleContext() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
bundles() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework


call() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.CallableRequestDispatch
call() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.CallableResponseDispatch
CallableRequestDispatch - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This is a convenient subclass of RequestDispatch that implements the Callable interface.
CallableRequestDispatch() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.CallableRequestDispatch
CallableResponseDispatch - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This is a convenient subclass of ResponseDispatch that implements the Callable interface.
CallableResponseDispatch(ResponseHandler) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.CallableResponseDispatch
Constructs a new instances of this class over the given ResponseHandler.
cancel() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Mark this request as cancelled and frees any resources held by the request if possible.
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureCompletion
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureConjunction
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureResponse
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
cancel(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
clear() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
ClientProvider - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.service
This interface defines a component that is capable of acting as a client to an external server.
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BlockingContentWriter
Closes the underlying ContentChannel and waits for the operation to complete.
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
Closes the underlying ContentChannel.
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.ReferencedResource
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.ResourceReference
Decrements the reference count of the referenced resource.
close() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.service.ServerProvider
This is a synchronous method to close the listen port (or equivalent) of this ServerProvider and flush any input buffers that will cause calls to newReference(URI).
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingServerProvider
close() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Initiatiates shut down of this TestDriver and waits for it to complete.
close(CompletionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BufferedContentChannel
close(CompletionHandler) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ContentChannel
Closes this ContentChannel.
close(CompletionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.NullContent
close(CompletionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel
close(CompletionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingContentChannel
com.yahoo.jdisc - package com.yahoo.jdisc
Provides the common classes and interfaces of the jDISC core.
com.yahoo.jdisc.handler - package com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
Provides classes and interfaces for implementing a RequestHandler.
com.yahoo.jdisc.service - package com.yahoo.jdisc.service
Provides classes and interfaces for implementing a ClientProvider or a ServerProvider.
com.yahoo.jdisc.test - package com.yahoo.jdisc.test
Provides classes and interfaces for implementing unit tests of jDISC components.
completed() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.CompletionHandler
Invoked when an operation has completed.
completed() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureCompletion
completed() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingCompletionHandler
CompletionHandler - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This interface defines a handler for consuming the result of an asynchronous I/O operation.
CONFLICT - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
ConformanceException() - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.ConformanceException
ConformanceException(ServerProviderConformanceTest.Event) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.ConformanceException
In some tests, we want to ensure that a thrown exception has been handled by the framework before we do something else.
connect() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
This methods calls RequestDispatch.newRequest() to create a new Request, and then calls Request.connect(ResponseHandler) on that.
connect(ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
This methods calls ResponseDispatch.newResponse() to create a new Response, and then calls ResponseHandler.handleResponse(Response) with that.
connect(ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Attempts to resolve and connect to the RequestHandler appropriate for the URI of this Request.
connectFastWriter() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
This is a convenient method to construct a FastContentWriter over the ContentChannel returned by calling RequestDispatch.connect().
connectFastWriter(ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
Convenience method for constructing a FastContentWriter over the ContentChannel returned by calling ResponseDispatch.connect(ResponseHandler).
connectRequest(String, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Convenience method to create and Request.connect(ResponseHandler) a Request on the CurrentContainer.
connectTo(ContentChannel) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BufferedContentChannel
Connects this BufferedContentChannel to a ContentChannel.
container() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the Container for which this Request was created
container() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.service.AbstractServerProvider
Container - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc
This is the immutable Container.
ContainerNotReadyException - Exception in com.yahoo.jdisc.service
This exception is used to signal that no Container is ready to serve Requests.
ContainerNotReadyException() - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.jdisc.service.ContainerNotReadyException
Constructs a new instance of this class with a detail message.
contains(String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Convenience method for checking whether or not a named header contains a specific value.
containsIgnoreCase(String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Convenience method for checking whether or not a named header contains a specific value, regardless of case.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
containsValue(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
ContentChannel - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This interface defines a callback for asynchronously writing the content of a Request or a Response to a recipient.
ContentInputStream - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class extends UnsafeContentInputStream and adds a finalizer to it that calls UnsafeContentInputStream.close().
ContentInputStream(ReadableContentChannel) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ContentInputStream
Constructs a new ContentInputStream that reads from the given ReadableContentChannel.
context() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the named application context objects.
context() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Returns the named application context objects.
CONTINUE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
1xx: Informational - Request received, continuing process.
createContext(Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Metric
Creates a MetricConsumer-specific Metric.Context object that encapsulates the given properties.
createContext(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.MockMetric
CREATED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
creationTime(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the time at which this Request was created.
CurrentContainer - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.service
This interface declares a method to retrieve a reference to the current Container.
currentState() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.AbstractResource
Returns a string describing the current state of references in human-friendly terms.
currentTime() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
currentTime() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Timer
Convenience method for getting an java.util.Instance from currentTimeMillis().
currentTimeMillis() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
currentTimeMillis() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Timer
Returns the current time in milliseconds.


DEBUG - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.SharedResource
delegate() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
DelegatedRequestHandler - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
destroy() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.AbstractResource
This method signals that this AbstractResource can dispose of any internal resources, and commence with shut down of any internal threads.
destroy() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
dispatch() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
This method calls RequestDispatch.connect() to establish a ContentChannel for the Request, and then iterates through all the ByteBuffers returned by RequestDispatch.requestContent() and writes them to that ContentChannel.
dispatch(ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
This method calls ResponseDispatch.connect(ResponseHandler) to establish a ContentChannel for the Response, and then iterates through all the ByteBuffers returned by ResponseDispatch.responseContent() and writes them to that ContentChannel.
dispatchRequest(String, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Convenience method to create a Request, connect it to a RequestHandler, and close the returned ContentChannel.
dispatchTimeout(ResponseHandler) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
This is a convenience method for creating a Response with status Response.Status.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT and passing that to the given ResponseHandler.handleResponse(Response).
doClose() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
doFlush(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream


entries() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Returns an unmodifiable list of all key-value pairs of this.
entrySet() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
equals(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
executeRequest(U, boolean) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.Adapter
EXPECTATION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status


failed(Throwable) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.CompletionHandler
Invoked when an operation fails.
failed(Throwable) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureCompletion
failed(Throwable) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel
This method calls CompletionHandler.failed(Throwable) on all pending CompletionHandlers, and blocks all future operations to this ContentChannel (i.e.
failed(Throwable) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingCompletionHandler
FAILED_DEPENDENCY - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
FastContentOutputStream - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class extends the AbstractContentOutputStream, and forwards all write() and close() calls to a FastContentWriter.
FastContentOutputStream(ContentChannel) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
Constructs a new FastContentOutputStream that writes into the given ContentChannel.
FastContentOutputStream(FastContentWriter) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
Constructs a new FastContentOutputStream that writes into the given FastContentWriter.
FastContentWriter - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides a non-blocking, awaitable write-interface to a ContentChannel.
FastContentWriter(ContentChannel) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
Creates a new FastContentWriter that encapsulates a given ContentChannel.
finalize() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ContentInputStream
FORBIDDEN - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
FOUND - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
fromClock(Clock) - Static method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Timer
Create a Timer backed by the given Clock.
fromResource(SharedResource) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.References
FutureCompletion - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides an implementation of CompletionHandler that allows you to wait for either FutureCompletion.completed() or FutureCompletion.failed(Throwable) to be called.
FutureCompletion() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureCompletion
FutureConjunction - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class implements a Future<Boolean> that is conjunction of zero or more other Future<Boolean>s, i.e.
FutureConjunction() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureConjunction
FutureResponse - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides an implementation of ResponseHandler that allows you to wait for a Response to be returned.
FutureResponse() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureResponse
Constructs a new FutureResponse that returns a NullContent when FutureResponse.handleResponse(Response) is invoked.
FutureResponse(ContentChannel) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureResponse
Constructs a new FutureResponse that returns the given ContentChannel when FutureResponse.handleResponse(Response) is invoked.
FutureResponse(ResponseHandler) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureResponse
Constructs a new FutureResponse that calls the given ResponseHandler when FutureResponse.handleResponse(Response) is invoked.


GATEWAY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
get() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
get() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
get() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureConjunction
get() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureConjunction
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
get(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
getBindingMatch() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the last resolved BindingMatch, or null if none has been resolved yet.
getBundles(Bundle) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
getDelegate() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.DelegatedRequestHandler
getDelegateRecursive() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.DelegatedRequestHandler
getError() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Returns the error of this response, or null if none has been set.
getFirst(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Convenience method for retrieving the first value of a named header field.
getInstance(Key<T>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Container
Returns the appropriate instance for the given injection key.
getInstance(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Container
Returns the appropriate instance for the given injection type.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.ConformanceException
getReference() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.ReferencedResource
getRequestType() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Returns the type classification of this request for metric collection purposes, or null if not set
getResource() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.ReferencedResource
getServerProviderClass() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.Adapter
getStatus() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Returns the status code of this response.
getTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ThreadedRequestHandler
Returns the timeout that this ThreadedRequestHandler sets on all handled Requests.
getTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the allocated number of time units that this Request is allowed to exist.
getTimeoutManager() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the TimeoutManager of this request, or null if none has been assigned.
getUri() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier used by the Container to resolve the appropriate RequestHandler for this Request.
getZone() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Timer.ClockAdapter
GONE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status


handleRequest(Request, BufferedContentChannel, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ThreadedRequestHandler
Override this method if you want to access the Request's content using a BufferedContentChannel.
handleRequest(Request, ContentInputStream, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ThreadedRequestHandler
Implement this method if you want to access the Request's content using a ContentInputStream.
handleRequest(Request, ReadableContentChannel, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ThreadedRequestHandler
Implement this method if you want to access the Request's content using a ReadableContentChannel.
handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestHandler
This method will process the given Request and return a ContentChannel into which the caller can write the Request's content.
handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ThreadedRequestHandler
handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingClientProvider
handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingRequestHandler
handleResponse(Response) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureResponse
handleResponse(Response) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
handleResponse(Response) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseHandler
This method will process the given Response and return a ContentChannel into which the caller can write the Response's content.
handleResponse(Response) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingResponseHandler
handleTimeout(Request, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.AbstractRequestHandler
handleTimeout(Request, ResponseHandler) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestHandler
This method is called by the Container when a Request that was previously accepted by RequestHandler.handleRequest(Request, ResponseHandler) has timed out.
handleTimeout(Request, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingClientProvider
handleTimeout(Request, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingRequestHandler
hashCode() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
HeaderFields - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc
This is an encapsulation of the header fields that belong to either a Request or a Response.
HeaderFields() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
headers() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the set of header fields of this Request.
headers() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Returns the set of header fields of this Request.


installBundle(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
INSTANCE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.NullContent
instant() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Timer.ClockAdapter
INSUFFICIENT_SPACE_ON_RESOURCE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
5xx: Server Error - The server failed to fulfill an apparently valid request.
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureCompletion
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureConjunction
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureResponse
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
isCancelled() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns whether or not this Request has been cancelled.
isConnected() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BufferedContentChannel
Returns whether or not BufferedContentChannel.connectTo(ContentChannel) has been called.
isDone() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentOutputStream
isDone() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
isDone() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FutureConjunction
isDone() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
isEmpty() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
isServerRequest() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns whether or not this Request was created by a ServerProvider.
isTrue(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Convenience method for checking whether or not a named header field is true.
iterator() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel


keySet() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields


LENGTH_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
LOCKED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status


mark(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream
markSupported() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream
METHOD_FAILURE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
Metric - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc
This interface provides an API for writing metric data to the configured MetricConsumer.
Metric.Context - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc
Declares the interface for the arbitrary context object to pass to both the Metric.set(String, Number, Context) and Metric.add(String, Number, Context) methods.
metrics() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.MockMetric
MockMetric - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
Metric implementation for tests.
MockMetric() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.MockMetric
MONITORING - com.yahoo.jdisc.Request.RequestType
MOVED_PERMANENTLY - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
MULTI_STATUS - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
MULTIPLE_CHOICES - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
3xx: Redirection - Further action must be taken in order to complete the request.


newApplicationBundleInstance(String, boolean, Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new TestDriver from an application bundle.
newClient(T) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.Adapter
newConfigModule() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.Adapter
newContainerBuilder() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
newInjectedApplicationInstance(Application, Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new TestDriver with an injected Application.
newInjectedApplicationInstance(Class<? extends Application>, Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new TestDriver with an injected Application.
newInjectedApplicationInstanceWithoutOsgi(Application, Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new TestDriver with an injected Application, but without OSGi support.
newInjectedApplicationInstanceWithoutOsgi(Class<? extends Application>, Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new TestDriver with an injected Application, but without OSGi support.
newInstance(int, Iterable<ByteBuffer>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
Factory method for creating a ResponseDispatch with a Response that has the given status code, and collection of ByteBuffer content.
newInstance(int, ByteBuffer...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
Factory method for creating a ResponseDispatch with a Response that has the given status code, and ByteBuffer content.
newInstance(OsgiFramework, String, boolean, Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new TestDriver with the given parameters.
newInstance(Response, Iterable<ByteBuffer>) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
Factory method for creating a ResponseDispatch over a given Response and ByteBuffer content.
newInstance(Response, ByteBuffer...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
Factory method for creating a ResponseDispatch over a given Response and ByteBuffer content.
newInstance(String, Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingRequest
Factory method to create a Request without an associated Container.
newNonWorkingOsgiFramework() - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Factory method to create a light-weight OsgiFramework that throws UnsupportedOperationException if OsgiFramework.installBundle(String) or OsgiFramework.startBundles(List, boolean) is called.
newOsgiFramework() - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Factory method to create a working OsgiFramework.
newReference(URI) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.service.CurrentContainer
Returns a reference to the currently active Container.
newReference(URI) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
newRequest() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
Creates and returns the Request to dispatch.
newRequestDispatch(String, ResponseHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new RequestDispatch that dispatches a Request with the given URI and ResponseHandler.
newResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
Creates and returns the Response to dispatch.
newResponseContent() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.Adapter
newSimpleApplicationInstance(Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new TestDriver with a predefined Application implementation.
newSimpleApplicationInstanceWithoutOsgi(Module...) - Static method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Creates a new TestDriver with a predefined Application implementation, but without OSGi support.
NO_CONTENT - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
NoBindingSetSelectedException - Exception in com.yahoo.jdisc.service
This exception is used to signal that no BindingSet was selected for a given URI.
NoBindingSetSelectedException(URI) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.jdisc.service.NoBindingSetSelectedException
Constructs a new instance of this class with a detail message that contains the URI for which there was no BindingSet selected.
NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
NonWorkingClientProvider - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
NonWorkingClientProvider() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingClientProvider
NonWorkingCompletionHandler - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
NonWorkingCompletionHandler() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingCompletionHandler
NonWorkingContentChannel - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
NonWorkingContentChannel() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingContentChannel
NonWorkingOsgiFramework - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
NonWorkingOsgiFramework() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
NonWorkingRequest - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
NonWorkingRequestHandler - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
NonWorkingRequestHandler() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingRequestHandler
NonWorkingResponseHandler - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
NonWorkingResponseHandler() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingResponseHandler
NonWorkingServerProvider - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
NonWorkingServerProvider() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingServerProvider
NOOP_REFERENCE - Static variable in class com.yahoo.jdisc.References
A ResourceReference that does nothing.
NoopSharedResource - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc
An implementation of SharedResource that does not do anything.
NoopSharedResource() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.NoopSharedResource
NOT_ACCEPTABLE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
NOT_FOUND - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
NOT_IMPLEMENTED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
NOT_MODIFIED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
NullContent - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides a convenient implementation of ContentChannel that does not support being written to.


OK - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
2xx: Success - The action was successfully received, understood, and accepted.
onError(Throwable) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ContentChannel
Invoked when an error occurs during processing of request content.
osgiFramework() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Returns the OsgiFramework created by this TestDriver.
OverloadException - Exception in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
An exception to signal abort current action, as the container is overloaded.
OverloadException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.OverloadException


PARTIAL_CONTENT - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
PAYMENT_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
PRECONDITION_FAILED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
PROCESSING - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
put(String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Convenience method to call HeaderFields.put(String, List) with a singleton list that contains the specified value.
put(String, List<String>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
putAll(Map<? extends String, ? extends List<String>>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields


read() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel
Returns the next ByteBuffer in the internal queue.
read() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream
READ - com.yahoo.jdisc.Request.RequestType
ReadableContentChannel - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class implements a ContentChannel that has a blocking read interface.
ReadableContentChannel() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel
refer() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.AbstractResource
refer() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.NoopSharedResource
refer() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.SharedResource
Increments the reference count of this resource.
ReferencedResource<T extends SharedResource> - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc
Utility class for working with reference-counted SharedResources.
ReferencedResource(T, ResourceReference) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.ReferencedResource
References - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc
Utility class for working with SharedResources and ResourceReferences.
refreshPackages() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
release() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.AbstractResource
release() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.NoopSharedResource
release() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.SharedResource
Releases the "main" reference to this resource (the implicit reference due to creation of the object).
remove(Object) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
remove(String, String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
Removes the given value from the entry of the specified key.
request() - Method in exception com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDeniedException
Returns the Request that was denied.
Request - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc
This class represents a single request (which may have any content model that a ServerProvider chooses to implement).
Request(Request, URI) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Creates a new instance of this class.
Request(CurrentContainer, URI) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Creates a new instance of this class.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
REQUEST_TOO_LONG - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
Request.RequestType - Enum in com.yahoo.jdisc
requestContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
Returns an Iterable for the ByteBuffers that the RequestDispatch.dispatch() method should write to the Request once it has connected.
RequestDeniedException - Exception in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This exception is used to signal that a Request was rejected by the corresponding ClientProvider or RequestHandler.
RequestDeniedException(Request) - Constructor for exception com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDeniedException
Constructs a new instance of this class with a detail message that contains the URI of the Request that was denied.
RequestDispatch - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides a convenient way of safely dispatching a Request.
RequestDispatch() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.RequestDispatch
REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
RequestHandler - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This interface defines a component that is capable of acting as a handler for a Request.
reset() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream
RESET_CONTENT - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
resolveHandler(Request) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Container
Attempts to find a RequestHandler in the current server- (if Request.isServerRequest() is true) or client- (if Request.isServerRequest() is false) BindingSet that matches the given URI.
ResourceReference - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc
Represents a live reference to a SharedResource.
Response - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc
This class represents the single response (which may have any content model that a RequestHandler chooses to implement) of some single request.
Response(int) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Creates a new instance of this class.
Response(int, Throwable) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Creates a new instance of this class.
Response.Status - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc
This interface acts as a namespace for the built-in status codes of the jDISC core.
responseContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
Returns an Iterable for the ByteBuffers that the ResponseDispatch.dispatch(ResponseHandler) method should write to the Response once it has connected.
ResponseDispatch - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides a convenient way of safely dispatching a Response.
ResponseDispatch() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ResponseDispatch
ResponseHandler - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This interface defines a component that is capable of acting as a handler for a Response.
retainCount() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.AbstractResource
Returns the reference count of this resource.
runTest(ServerProviderConformanceTest.Adapter<T, U, V>, Module...) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest


scheduleClose() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestDriver
Initiates the shut down of this TestDriver in another thread.
scheduleTimeout(Request) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.TimeoutManager
Schedule timeout management for a request.
SEE_OTHER - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
ServerProvider - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.service
This interface defines a component that is capable of acting as a server for an external client.
ServerProviderConformanceTest - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
ServerProviderConformanceTest() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
ServerProviderConformanceTest.Adapter<T extends ServerProvider,​U,​V> - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
This interface declares the adapter between the general conformance test and an actual ServerProvider implementation.
ServerProviderConformanceTest.ConformanceException - Exception in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
An instance of this exception is thrown within the conformance tests that imply that they will throw an exception.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
set(String, Number, Metric.Context) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Metric
Set a metric value.
set(String, Number, Metric.Context) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.MockMetric
setBindingMatch(BindingMatch<RequestHandler>) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Sets the last resolved BindingMatch of this Request.
setError(Throwable) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Sets the error of this response.
setMillis(long) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
setRequestType(Request.RequestType) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Sets the type classification of this request for metric collection purposes
setServerRequest(boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Sets whether or not this Request was created by a ServerProvider.
setStatus(int) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Response
Sets the status code of this response.
setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ThreadedRequestHandler
Sets the timeout that this ThreadedRequestHandler sets on all handled Requests.
setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Sets the allocated time that this Request is allowed to exist before the corresponding call to ResponseHandler.handleResponse(Response) must have been made.
setTimeoutManager(TimeoutManager) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Sets a TimeoutManager to be called when Request.setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) is invoked.
setUri(URI) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Sets the Uniform Resource Identifier used by the Container to resolve the appropriate RequestHandler for this Request.
SharedResource - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc
This interface defines a reference counted resource.
size() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
start() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.service.AbstractClientProvider
start() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.service.ClientProvider
This is a synchronous method to configure this ClientProvider.
start() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.service.ServerProvider
This is a synchronous method to configure this ServerProvider and bind the listen port (or equivalent).
start() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingClientProvider
start() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
start() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingServerProvider
startBundles(List<Bundle>, boolean) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
stop() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingOsgiFramework
SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
SYSTEM_PROPERTY_NAME_DEBUG - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.SharedResource


TEMPORARY_REDIRECT - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
testBindingNotFoundException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testBindingSetNotFoundException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testContainerNotReadyException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
TestDriver - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
This class provides a unified way to set up and run unit tests on jDISC components.
testNoBindingSetSelectedException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithNondeterministicSyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentCloseWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithNondeterministicSyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteExceptionWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseCloseNoContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithAsyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithNondeterministicAsyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithNondeterministicSyncFailure() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithSyncCompletion() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithSyncFailureAfterResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestContentWriteWithSyncFailureBeforeResponseWrite() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestExceptionAfterResponseCloseNoContentWithAsyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithAsyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestExceptionAfterResponseWriteWithSyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithAsyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestExceptionBeforeResponseWriteWithSyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestExceptionWithSyncCloseResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestExceptionWithSyncWriteResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestHandlerWithAsyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestHandlerWithSyncCloseResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestHandlerWithSyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestHandlerWithSyncWriteResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestNondeterministicExceptionWithAsyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testRequestNondeterministicExceptionWithSyncHandleResponse() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testResponseCloseCompletionException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testResponseCloseCompletionExceptionNoContent() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
testResponseWriteCompletionException() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest
TestTimer - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.test
A Timer to be used in tests when the advancement of time needs to be controlled.
TestTimer() - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
TestTimer(Instant) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.TestTimer
ThreadedRequestHandler - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
ThreadedRequestHandler(Executor) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ThreadedRequestHandler
timeElapsed(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the time that this Request has existed so far.
TimeoutManager - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc
This interface provides a callback for when the Request.setTimeout(long, TimeUnit) is invoked.
Timer - Interface in com.yahoo.jdisc
This class provides access to the current time in milliseconds, as viewed by the Container.
Timer.ClockAdapter - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc
timeRemaining(TimeUnit) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Request
Returns the time that this Request is allowed to exist.
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
toReadable() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BufferedContentChannel
Creates a ReadableContentChannel and connects to it.
toStream() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BufferedContentChannel
Creates a ContentInputStream and connects to its internal ContentChannel.
toStream() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel
Creates a ContentInputStream that wraps this ReadableContentChannel.
toString() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
toUtcClock() - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Timer
Return a UTC Clock backed by this timer.


UNAUTHORIZED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
UnsafeContentInputStream - Class in com.yahoo.jdisc.handler
This class provides an adapter from a ReadableContentChannel to an InputStream.
UnsafeContentInputStream(ReadableContentChannel) - Constructor for class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.UnsafeContentInputStream
Constructs a new ContentInputStream that reads from the given ReadableContentChannel.
unscheduleTimeout(Request) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.TimeoutManager
Unschedule timeout management for a previously scheduled request.
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status
uri() - Method in exception com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BindingNotFoundException
Returns the URI that has no binding.
uri() - Method in exception com.yahoo.jdisc.service.NoBindingSetSelectedException
Returns the URI for which there was no BindingSet selected.
USE_PROXY - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status


validateResponse(V) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.test.ServerProviderConformanceTest.Adapter
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.yahoo.jdisc.Request.RequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.HeaderFields
values() - Static method in enum com.yahoo.jdisc.Request.RequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.Response.Status


withZone(ZoneId) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.Timer.ClockAdapter
write(byte[]) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
This is a convenience method to convert the given byte array into a ByteBuffer object, and then passing that to FastContentWriter.write(java.nio.ByteBuffer).
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
This is a convenience method to convert a subarray of the given byte array into a ByteBuffer object, and then passing that to FastContentWriter.write(java.nio.ByteBuffer).
write(String) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
This is a convenience method to convert the given string to a ByteBuffer of UTF8 bytes, and then passing that to FastContentWriter.write(ByteBuffer).
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BlockingContentWriter
Writes to the underlying ContentChannel and waits for the operation to complete.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.FastContentWriter
Writes to the underlying ContentChannel.
write(ByteBuffer, CompletionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.BufferedContentChannel
write(ByteBuffer, CompletionHandler) - Method in interface com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ContentChannel
Schedules the given ByteBuffer to be written to the content corresponding to this ContentChannel.
write(ByteBuffer, CompletionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.NullContent
write(ByteBuffer, CompletionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.handler.ReadableContentChannel
write(ByteBuffer, CompletionHandler) - Method in class com.yahoo.jdisc.test.NonWorkingContentChannel
WRITE - com.yahoo.jdisc.Request.RequestType
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