Class Error

  • public final class Error
    extends Object
    This class implements the pair (code, message) that is used in Reply to hold errors.
    Simon Thoresen Hult
    • Constructor Detail

      • Error

        public Error​(int code,
                     String message)
        This is the constructor used by anyone adding an error to a message. One does not manually need to set the service name of an error, so ignore the other constructor when creating your own error instance.
        code - The numerical code of this error.
        message - The description of this error.
      • Error

        public Error​(int code,
                     String message,
                     String service)
        This constructor is used by the network layer to properly tag deserialized errors with the hostname of whatever service produced the error. This constructor should NOT be used when manually creating errors.
        code - The numerical code of this error.
        message - The description of this error.
        service - The service name of this error.
    • Method Detail

      • getCode

        public int getCode()
        Return the numerical code of this error.
        The numerical code.
      • getMessage

        public String getMessage()
        Return the description of this error.
        The description.
      • getService

        public String getService()
        Returns the name of the service on which this error occured.
        The service name.
      • isFatal

        public boolean isFatal()
        Returns whether or not this error is fatal, i.e. getCode() >= ErrorCode.FATAL_ERROR.
        True, if this error is fatal.