All Classes and Interfaces

Simplifies a predicate by: - Combining child-AND/OR nodes with direct parents of the same type - Pushing negations down to leaf nodes by using De Morgan's law.
Simplifies a predicate by collapsing TRUE/FALSE-children into their parents.
Partitions all the feature ranges according to the arity and bounds set in the PredicateOptions, and updates the ranges with a set of partitions and edge partitions.
A FeatureConjunction is a special type of Conjunction where all children are either a FeatureSet or a Negation (with an underlying FeatureSet).
Reorders not nodes to improve the efficiency of the z-star posting list compression.
Simplifies Disjunction nodes where all children are of type FeatureSet.
This hash function must match the corresponding C++ hash function in 'ConvertClass', currently located at 'rise_platform/src/interface/cpp/api/ConvertClass.h'
This class contains the configured options for predicate indexes.
A predicate processor takes a predicate, processes it and returns the result.
Parses predicate queries from JSON.
Constants related to the subquery bitmap in predicate search.