Class ZstarCompressedPostingList

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ZstarCompressedPostingList
    extends MultiIntervalPostingList
    Wraps a posting list of compressed NOT-features. The compression works by implying an interval of size 1 after each stored interval, unless the next interval starts with 16 bits of 0, in which case the current interval is extended to the next.
    Magnar Nedland, bjorncs
    • Constructor Detail

      • ZstarCompressedPostingList

        public ZstarCompressedPostingList​(PredicateIntervalStore store,
                                          int[] docIds,
                                          int[] dataRefs)
        docIds - Posting list as a stream.
    • Method Detail

      • nextInterval

        public boolean nextInterval()
        Description copied from interface: PostingList
        Fetches the next interval for the current document.
        True if there was a next interval
      • getInterval

        public int getInterval()
        The current interval for the current document