Class PredicateSearch

  • public class PredicateSearch
    extends Object
    Implementation of the "Interval" predicate search algorithm.
    Magnar Nedland, bjorncs
    • Constructor Detail

      • PredicateSearch

        public PredicateSearch​(List<PostingList> postingLists,
                               byte[] nPostingListsForDocument,
                               byte[] minFeatureIndex,
                               short[] intervalEnds,
                               int highestIntervalEnd)
        Creates a search for a set of posting lists.
        postingLists - Posting lists for the boolean variables that evaluate to true
        nPostingListsForDocument - The number of posting list for each docId
        minFeatureIndex - Index from docId to min-feature value.
        intervalEnds - The interval end for each document.
        highestIntervalEnd - The highest end value.
    • Method Detail

      • stream

        public Stream<Hit> stream()
        A stream of Hit-objects from a lazy evaluation of the boolean search algorithm.