All Classes and Interfaces

Wraps a posting stream of IntervalWithBounds objects (for collapsed fixed tree leaf nodes) into a PostingList.
Counts the number of posting lists per document id.
Configuration for a PredicateIndexBuilder/PredicateIndex instance.
Represents a conjunction hit.
Conjunction id format: bit 31-1: id/hash bit 0: 0: negated, 1: not negated
Conjunction id posting list iterator for a single feature/assignment (e.g.
A searchable index of conjunctions (see FeatureConjunction / IndexableFeatureConjunction).
A builder for ConjunctionIndex.
Utility class for feature related constants and methods.
Transforms Conjunctions with only (negated) FeatureSet instances to FeatureConjunction.
Represents a hit from the predicate search algorithm.
A test that runs outputs the hits for each query into result file.
IndexableFeatureConjunction is a post-processed FeatureConjunction which can be indexed by ConjunctionIndex.
Utility class for interval related constants and methods.
Implementation of PostingList for regular features that store their intervals and nothing else.
Represents a collapsed leaf node in the fixed tree range representation.
Shared implementation for posting lists that may have multiple intervals.
Represents an entry in a posting list, containing an integer id and integer data reference.
Interface for posting lists to be used by the algorithm implemented in PredicateSearch.
Algorithms for searching in the docId arrays in posting lists.
An index of Predicate objects.
A benchmark that tests the indexing and search performance.
A builder for PredicateIndex.
A collection of metrics about the currently built PredicateIndex.
Prepares the predicate for indexing.
Represents a query in the form of a set of boolean variables that are considered true.
Converts PredicateQuery to and from JSON Example: { features: [ {"k": "key-name", "v":"value", "s":"0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF"} ], rangeFeatures: [ {"k": "key-name", "v":42, "s":"0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF"} ] }
Expands range terms from a query to find the set of features they translate to.
Callback for edges generated by the expansion.
Callback for ranges generated by the expansion.
Implementation of the "Interval" predicate search algorithm.
This class analyzes a predicate tree to determine two characteristics: 1) The sub-tree size for each conjunction/disjunction node.
Holds annotations for all the features of a predicate.
Performs the labelling of the predicate tree.
This class enables sorting of an array of primitive short values using a supplied comparator for custom ordering.
Various metrics stored during query execution
Misc utility functions to help serialization of PredicateIndex.
An index mapping keys of type Long to lists of postings of generic data.
Converts a targeting query (the format provided by targeting team) into a file of Vespa queries formatted as URLs.
Parses a feed file containing documents in XML format.
Parses query file containing Vespa queries using the deprecated predicate format (query properties - not YQL).
Wraps an int stream of document ids into a PostingList.
Wraps a posting list of compressed NOT-features.