Class MD5BitFunctionNode

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable

    public class MD5BitFunctionNode
    extends UnaryBitFunctionNode
    This function is a request to calculate the MD5 of the result of its argument.
    baldersheim, Simon Thoresen Hult
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • classId

        public static final int classId
    • Constructor Detail

      • MD5BitFunctionNode

        public MD5BitFunctionNode()
        Constructs an empty result node. NOTE: This instance is broken until non-optional member data is set.
      • MD5BitFunctionNode

        public MD5BitFunctionNode​(ExpressionNode arg,
                                  int numBits)
        Constructs an instance of this class with given argument and number of bits.
        arg - The argument for this function.
        numBits - The number of bits to operate on.